NMAS 3.3.4

Modular Authentication Service is an extensible security product that offers you an easy way to centrally manage multiple authentication methods across your network. With Novell Modular Authentication Service you can implement stronger forms of authentication and authorization to secure your critical corporate resources. While removing the complexity of authentication to Novell eDirectory, Novell Modular Authentication Service allows you to create a variety of flexible security options. Novell Modular Authentication Service also helps remove the administrative overhead involved with maintaining password information throughout your organization.

Administration view size last update
NetIQ Modular Authentication Services (NMAS) 3.3.4 Administration Guide  html   pdf  .9 MB 04/26/2013
- What's New  html 
- NMAS Overview  html 
- Managing Login and Post-Login Methods and Sequences  html 
- Using Graded Authentication  html 
- Using NMAS to Log In to the Network  html 
- History of Novell Passwords  html 
- NMAS HOTP Method  html 
- Other Administrative Tasks  html 
- Troubleshooting  html 
- Security Considerations  html 
- Documentation Updates  html 

Previous Releases view size last update
NMAS 3.3.3 12/08/2010
- Guides  zip  0.5 MB
NMAS 3.3.1 12/08/2010
- Guides  zip  0.4 MB
NMAS 3.3 08/06/2008
- Guides  zip  0.4 MB