- add
Add an object command/Object was added event.
- add-association
Add association command.
- add-attr
Add attribute.
- add-value
Add value(s).
- allow-attr
Allow an attribute in the filter.
- allow-class
Allow a class in the filter.
- app-name
Name in the application namespace.
- association
Unique key of the application object.
- attr
Current state of an attribute.
- attr-def
Schema attribute definition.
- attr-name
Map an attribute name.
- attr-name-map
Top level element for schema mapping rules.
- authentication-info
Information for connecting and authenticating to the
- check-object-password
Check password against an eDirectory object.
- check-password
Check password against eDirectory driver object.
- class-def
Schema class definition.
- class-name
Map a class name.
- component
Component of a structured attribute.
- config-object
eDirectory object to use for additional configuration data.
- contact
Point of contact for the originating product.
- copy-attr
Copy attribute token. Deprecated
as of DirXML 2.0.
- copy-name
Copy name token. Deprecated as
of DirXML 2.0.
- copy-path
Copy path token. Deprecated as
of DirXML 2.0.
- copy-path-suffix
Copy path token. Deprecated as
of DirXML 2.0.
- create-rule
Object creation rule. Deprecated
as of DirXML 2.0.
- create-rules
Top level element for object creation rules. Deprecated
as of DirXML 2.0.
- delete
Delete an object command/Object was deleted event.
- driver-config
Driver specific DriverShim configuration options.
- driver-filter
Publication/Subscription class/attribute event filter.
- driver-operation-data
Operation additional custom data used by the drivershim.
- driver-options
Driver specific DriverShim configuration options.
- driver-state
Driver specific state information
- generated-password
Event indicating a password was generated for an object.
- get-named-password
Retrieve a named password for a driver.
- init-params
Initialization parameters for a
- input
Input events or commands.
- instance
Current state of an instance of an object.
- match-attr
Match an attribute. Deprecated
as of DirXML 2.0.
- match-class
Match a class-name. Deprecated
as of DirXML 2.0.
- match-path
Match a path. Deprecated as of
DirXML 2.0.
- matching-rule
Object matching rule. Deprecated
as of DirXML 2.0.
- matching-rules
Top level element for object matching rules. Deprecated
as of DirXML 2.0.
- modify
Modify an object command/Object was modified event.
- modify-association
Modify association command.
- modify-attr
Modify attribute.
- modify-password
Modify an object password command/Object password was
modified event.
- move
Move an object command/Object was moved event.
- nds
Top level element for all DirXML/Driver communication.
- nds-name
Name in the eDirectory namespace.
- new-name
The new name of a renamed object.
- old-password
The old authentication password.
- operation-data
Operation additional custom data.
- output
Results of events or commands.
- parent
The parent/container of an object.
- password
The authentication password.
- placement
Object placement specifier. Deprecated
as of DirXML 2.0.
- placement-rule
Object placement rule. Deprecated
as of DirXML 2.0.
- placement-rules
Top level element for object placement rules. Deprecated
as of DirXML 2.0.
- product
The product from which this document originated.
- publisher-options
Driver specific PublicationShim configuration options.
- publisher-state
Driver PublicationShim state information.
- query
Query command.
- query-ex
Query command with result count limit.
- query-schema
Query schema command.
- query-token
Opaque handle for query-ex commands.
- read-attr
Return specified object attribute value(s).
- read-parent
Return object parent/container.
- remove-all-values
Remove all attribute values.
- remove-association
Remove association command.
- remove-value
Remove specified attribute value(s).
- rename
Rename an object command/Object was renamed event.
- required-attr
Required attribute. Deprecated
as of DirXML 2.0.
- schema-def
Schema definition.
- search-attr
Query search attribute value filter.
- search-class
Query search class filter.
- search-condition
Query search condition filter.
- server
The authentication server.
- source
The source/creator of the document.
- status
Status of the processing of a command or event.
- subscriber-options
Driver specific SubscriptionShim configuration options.
- subscriber-state
Driver SubscriptionShim state information.
- sync
Resynchronization or migrate event.
- template
Specify a template. Deprecated
as of DirXML 2.0.
- user
The authentication user name.
- value
The attribute value.