
Deprecated as of DirXML 2.0 - use DirXMLScript <rule>.

<placement-rule> is used to specify the criteria for generating a distinguished name for an object that is about to be created.

When a <placement-rule> is evaluated, it first checks whether or not this is a suitable rule for the <add> event in question. It does this by checking if any <match-class> are specified by the rule. If so then the rule is only suitable if the class-name on the event matches the class-name on one of the <match-class>. It then checks if any <match-attr> criteria is specified by the rule. If so, the rule is only suitable if the <add> contains all the attribute values required by the <match-attr>. It then checks if any <match-path> criteria is specified by the rule. If so then the src-dn of the <add> must be in at least one of the subtrees specified by a <match-path>. If a rule is determined to not be suitable it is skipped.

Once a suitable rule is found, the <placement> is evaluated to generate a value for the dest-dn attribute on the <add>.

If no suitable rule is found the dest-dn is left blank and processing of the <add> continues.


See <placement-rules>

1. Allowed Content

Match a class-name. Deprecated as of DirXML 2.0.
Match a path. Deprecated as of DirXML 2.0.
Match an attribute. Deprecated as of DirXML 2.0.
Object placement specifier. Deprecated as of DirXML 2.0.

2. Attributes

AttributeValue(s)Default Value
description CDATA
Description of this rule, primarily for use in ConsoleOne.

3. Content Rule

( match-class * , match-path * , match-attr * , placement )

4. Parent Elements

  Top level element for object placement rules. Deprecated as of DirXML 2.0.

Top Elements || All Elements || Tree