
<sync> appears on the Subscriber channel as the result of a "resync" (manual or automatic) or as the result of a "migrate from Nds" operation.

The <sync> is generally only visible in the Event Transformation Rule. If the Event Transformation Rule is used to perform scope-based filtering then the <sync> element must be taken into account.

The <sync> element does not appear on the Publisher channel unless injected by the application shim or by a rule on the Publisher channel. However, <sync> elements are processed by Publisher channel rules in the case of a "migrate into eDirectory" operation.


<sync class-name="User"

1. Allowed Content

Unique key of the application object.
Operation additional custom data.

2. Attributes

AttributeValue(s)Default Value
cached-time CDATA
The time the event was placed into the driver cache. The format is CCYYMMDDhhmmss.mmmZ, always in UTC.
class-id CDATA
(Reserved) Should be ignored by the driver.
class-name CDATA
The name of the base class of the object.
The class name is mapped between the application and eDirectory name spaces by the schema mapping rule so that DirXML will see the name in the eDirectory namespace and a driver will see the name in the application name space.
from-move true   |  false
Flag that indicates the sync operation was triggered by an object move in eDirectory.
qualified-src-dn CDATA
The qualified version of src-dn. Only used for describing objects from eDirectory.
src-dn CDATA
The distinguished name of source object that generated the event in the namespace of the sender.
src-entry-id CDATA
The entry id of source object that generated the event in the namespace of the sender.
timestamp CDATA
(Reserved) Should be ignored by the driver.

3. Content Rule

( association ? , operation-data ? )

4. Parent Elements

  Input events or commands.

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