Preventing eDirectory from listening on its httpstk\iMonitor ports 8028 & 8030

  • 7018619
  • 14-Feb-2017
  • 14-Feb-2017


NetIQ eDirectory 9.0.2


Previously, if httpstk and iMonitor were disabled the server would still listen on ports 8028 and 8030.  This was due to FLAIM loading the httpstk module to serve its coredb page.

In 9.0.2 disabling the modules that use httpstk will also disable listening on the ports altogether.  FLAIM will respect the settings in ndsmodules.conf.


1. Rem out the modules that rely on httpstk from the /etc/opt/novell/eDirectory/conf/ndsmodules.conf file.  The entries rem'd out can be seen in bold below:

# ndsmodules.conf: NDS Module Description File
# This file describes the modules to be loaded at bootup.  Note that modules
# that need to be loaded would have auto flags set.  Other modules can also
# be present here if a default command line need to be specified. Modules
# will be loaded in the order that's listed here.
# Syntax:
# modulename    flags   cmdline
# Each line in this file represents a modulename.  It should not
# contain prefix(lib) or suffix(.so, .la etc.).  We'll look at a
# corresponding .la file to pickup the correct modulefile.
# flags:        should be a comma seperated (no whitespace) list of valid options.
#               auto -> autoloaded when dhost comes up
#               system -> Will not be unloaded.
#               fail   -> Treat as an error and exit if loading fails.
#               noop   -> No flags. MUST for specifying command line without any flags

dhlog                   auto,fail               #DHost logger
ncpengine               auto,system,fail        #Core NCP Services
dsloader                auto,system,fail        #Loader
masv                    auto,system,fail        #Modular Authentication Services
nds                     auto,system,fail        #Core DS Services
niciext                 auto
gams                    auto
snmp                    auto                    #snmp
#httpstk                        auto                    #DHost HTTP Stack
#hconserv               auto                    #HConServ

nldap                   auto                    #LDAP Server
#imon                   auto                    #iMon
#embox                  auto                    #eMBox

pkiserver               auto                    #PKI server
ssncp                   auto                    #SecretStore

2. Save the file and restart ndsd
ndsmanage stopall    
ndsmanage startall

3. Verify with netstat:
netstat -na |grep 8030