Perform the following tasks in the order listed:
After installation, if you want to run Operations Center startup and shutdown commands from any location, set the proper environment path variable.For UNIX, add the Operations Center /bin directory to the path variable so that the system can locate the command line utilities. For Windows, the patch can be set as a system variable or a user variable.
To set the environment path variable, do the following as necessary:
To set the PATH variable:
Log in as the user named formula, or other root user that you created earlier.
To edit the profile or cshrc file (depending on which command shell you are using), perform one of the following steps:
If there is already a line containing PATH= or setenv PATH, append :/OperationsCenter_install_path/bin to that line.
If there is no line containing PATH= or setenv PATH, add the following lines and save to the file:
bsh or ksh: |
export PATH=$PATH:/OperationsCenter_install_path/bin |
csh: |
setenv PATH 'echo $PATH':/OperationsCenter_install_path/bin |
Log out as the user named formula, then log back in so that the path changes can take effect.
To set the path as a system variable:
Open the Windows Control Panel, and edit the environment variables.
For Windows 2008 and 2012 you can search on environment variables and find the link under Settings.
In the Advanced tab, click the Environment Variables button.
The Environment Variables dialog box is displayed:
Do one of the following:
If the Path System variable exists:
Select the Path item under Environment Variables, and click Edit.
Append the Variable Value declaration with C:\OperationsCenter_install_path\bin or the name of the drive and installation directory you specified on installation.
If the Path variable hasn’t been defined:
Click New for the user’s User variables.
Specify Path for Variable Name and type %Path%;drive:\OperationsCenter_install_path\bin for the Variable Value.
If you plan to use an HP OpenView adapter, NetView adapter or the Dashboard; and Operations Center is installed on a UNIX system, it is necessary that images be sent through Java over X11 protocol so they can be rendered in the Operations Center console or dashboard. This requires the installation of a virtual framebuffer from your operating system vendor.
To configure the display:
Download and install a virtual framebuffer from your operating system vendor:
Linux: Install an X11 package containing Xsun or Xvfb.
Solaris: Install an X11 package containing Xvfb.
Perform the following system configurations:
Edit the user profile for the formula user to set the DISPLAY environment variable to reference the display configured for virtual framebuffer.
Configure the virtual framebuffer to start automatically at system start or is part of the Operations Center startup process.
Start the virtual framebuffer.
Issue the following command to verify that the virtual framebuffer is running:
ps -ef |grep vfb
The output will vary depending on your system but shows you the location of the virtual framebuffer, as well as the display and screen name. For example:
On Solaris: /application_install_path/Xsun :display_name +nkeyboard +nmouse -dev vfb screen screen_name screen_resolution
On Linux: /application_install_path/Xvfb :display_name -screen screen_name screen_resolution
Do the following to specify the X11 Display Name property in the Configuration Managers to where the server listens for connection with the virtual framebuffer:
Do the following for the Operations Center server:
Open the Operations Center server’s Configuration Manager.
Open the Host pane.
For more information see Host Pane in the Operations Center 5.6 Server Configuration Guide.
Specify the x11 Display Name.
For example, if the output in Step 4 is /usr/X11/bin/Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1024x768x8, set the x11 Display Name to :1 or :1.0.
Do the following for the Operations Center Dashboard:
Open the Operations Center Dashboard’s Configuration Manager.
For more information see Verifying Configuration Settings in the Operations Center 5.6 Dashboard Guide.
Open the Host pane.
Specify the X11 Display Name.
For example, if the output in Step 4 is /usr/X11/bin/Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1024x768x8, set the x11 Display Name to :1 or :1.0.
You can start the Operations Center server either manually or automatically during start up. The server can take a few minutes to start. Check the daemon.trc file for an … Address is in use… message, which indicates that the Operations Center server is running. Or, check the status using the mosstatus command. Do not start the Operations Center console until the Operations Center server starts.
If there are any problems with starting the server, review the trace log files in the /OperationsCenter_install_path/logs directory. The daemon creates a trace log, as does the server. The trace logs store various error messages, such as The license key could not be found. Use any text editor to view the trace logs.
You can also stop the Operations Center server. If a message displays a message when shutting down Operations Center from Windows, adjust the Windows service timeout parameter, which is stored in the Windows registry. The timeout parameter is specified in milliseconds. The registry key is:
To start or stop Operations Center services:
To manually start the Operations Center Server, do one of the following:
Windows: Select Start NetIQ Operations Center under Start > Programs > NetIQ Operations Center.
Starting Operations Center via the Windows Start menu, starts the Operations Center server locally, but not as a service. Therefore, when you log out, the Operations Center server stops.
UNIX: Log in as the user formula (or any user with root privileges) and from the /OperationsCenter_install_path/bin directory, type mosdaemon at a command prompt.
By default, the Operations Center daemon is configured to automatically start. If this is disabled, you can re-enable automatic startup by editing the property for the service.
To enable automatic start up for Operations Center:
From the desktop, click Start, Settings, Control Panel. For Windows 2003, in Category View, double-click the Performance and Maintenance link.
Double-click the Administrative Tools icon.
Double-click the Services icon. The Services dialog box is displayed:
Right-click Operations Center Daemon and select Properties to display the NetIQ Operations Center Daemon Properties dialog box:
Select Automatic from the Startup Type list.
During installation, if you configured the server to automatically start, it starts shortly after the Operations Center daemon starts by default. If not, you will need to start it manually.
For more information on daemon configurations, see Configuring Daemon Control
in the Operations Center 5.6 Server Configuration Guide.
To start the Operations Center server:
If the Operations Center daemon is not running, from the /OperationsCenter_install_path/bin directory enter mosdaemon at the command prompt.
Enter mosstart Formula.
The following messages display:
Starting the server "Formula" ...
The server "Formula" has been started.
From the desktop, click the Start button and then select Programs > NetIQ Operations Center > Stop NetIQ Operations Center.
From the desktop, click Start > Settings > Control Panel.
For Windows XP, click Start > Control Panel > Performance and Maintenance.
Double-click the Administrative Tools icon to display the Administrative Tools dialog box.
Double-click the Services icon to display the Services dialog box.
Right-click the Operations Center Daemon line and select Stop.
Stopping the daemon also shuts down the server.
From the drive:\OperationsCenter_install_path\bin directory enter mosstop –shutdown at the command prompt where drive is the installation drive.
The server and mosdaemon stop.
From the /OperationsCenter_install_path/bin directory enter mosstop –shutdown at the command prompt.
The Operations Center server stops.
After Operations Center software is installed, verify that the installation was successful before proceeding to install any other Operations Center software on the Operations Center server. To do this, start Operations Center and perform a status check.
The mosstatus command verifies that the Operations Center software started correctly. This command also lists the name and status of any adapters that are running, and the number of active sessions. At this point, there are no adapters running and no active sessions. Refer to the Operations Center 5.6 Adapter and Integration Guide for information on defining adapters.
To check the Operations Center server status:
To verify the installation on Windows:
From the drive:\OperationsCenter_install_path\bin directory, type mosstatus –all at the command prompt where drive is the installation drive.
A message displays stating that the Operations Center software was successfully installed and is running.
Proceed to Section 2.3.5, Configure the Installation.
To verify the installation on Unix:
From the /OperationsCenter_install_path/bin directory, type mosstatus –all at the command prompt.
A message similar to the following displays:
Server Formula Status: 0 adapter(s), 0 active session(s)
This message indicates that the Operations Center software is successfully installed and running. The message indicates that no adapters are running, as none has been defined.
Proceed to Section 2.3.5, Configure the Installation.
After installing and verifying the installation, configure the installation and/or access the Operations Center console. Some configurations might require restarting the Operations Center server.
Launch the Operations Center console or deploy the console to management machines.
NOTE:The default user account is admin with a password of formula.
For instructions, see Section 3.0, Operations Center Console Deployment.
Do one of the following to protect the security of your installation:
Change the default password on the admin user account.
Delete the default admin account and create a new administrator account.
For information about user and group accounts, see the Operations Center 5.6 Security Management Guide.
After installing and verifying the installation, configure the installation.
Refer to Overview of Post-Installation Configurations
in the Operations Center 5.6 Server Configuration Guide for more information and links to the following configurations and more:
Run the Configuration Manager: Configure settings for the Operations Center server as well as Configuration Storage. If you are installing on a cluster, run it after completing all the installations.
Create databases: If you plan to use any external databases with Operations Center, you should create them. Be sure to see the sample scripts and Readme files in the /OperationsCenter_install_path/databases/samples directory.
Define databases: Many Operations Center data stores require database definitions that are created and managed in the Operations Center console.
Determine server security and networking settings, such as IP addresses: For additional information about security in Operations Center, refer to the Operations Center 5.6 Security Management Guide.
Determine port usage: Operations Center is installed using default ports, but do consider the ports currently used and how they fit within your environment.
Determine memory usage: The Java Virtual Machine is configured with parameters for memory allocation and installs with these default values. Before adjusting the memory, it is important to understand how memory is allocated.