2.2 Understanding Configuration Settings

When a configuration setting is available on both the Components tab and Tasks tab, it can be changed in either location.

The settings available through the Tasks tab are a smaller subset of those offered in Components tab, and are only the settings related to Networking, Java Runtime, and Logging. If you are looking for more information about a setting while using the Tasks tab, refer to the appropriate component topic in this section.

The figures in following sections display the settings available on the different panes for the Components tab. The table that follows each figure briefly describes each setting with a link (or reference) to additional information:

2.2.1 Host Pane

The section describes Configuration Manager settings for the Operations Center host server.

Figure 2-1 shows the Host pane that contains configuration options necessary for the connection with the Operations Center host server. Table 2-1 provides information about configuring these options.

Figure 2-1 Configuration Manager Host Pane on the Components Tab (on Windows)

Table 2-1 Configuration Manager Host Pane Settings


Windows Default

UNIX Default


Host Name

Hostname of the Primary Network Interface

The local server hostname

TCP/IP hostname of the server.

See Section 4.0, Configuring Network Communication Settings.

IP Address

Primary Network Interface

The local server IP address

The IP address or the TCP/IP hostname of the server. By default, the IP address for the Primary Network Interface is prefilled.

See Section 4.0, Configuring Network Communication Settings.

X11 Display Name

Not applicable to Windows


(Unix Only) The display used by the virtual framebuffer. Optionally specify host name and screen name:


See Configuring Display for Images on UNIX in the Operations Center 5.6 Server Installation Guide.

2.2.2 Daemon Pane

The section describes Configuration Manager settings for the Operations Center server daemon process.

Figure 2-2 shows the Daemon pane that contains configuration options for the daemon process. Table 2-2 provides information about configuring these options.

Figure 2-2 Configuration Manager Daemon Pane on the Components Tab

Table 2-2 Configuration Manager Daemon Pane Settings


Windows Default

UNIX Default


Daemon Port



Port number for the Operations Center daemon.

Daemon Java Runtime Environment



Executable for the Java Runtime Environment for the daemon for Operations Center. Click Browse to navigate to the location of the JRE.

See Section 6.0, Configuring Java and Memory.

Daemon Java Runtime Options

‑server ‑Xmx128m

‑server ‑Xmx256m

Options for running the VM for the Operations Center background daemon. Usually does not need to be changed.

See Section 6.0, Configuring Java and Memory.

Daemon Trace Destination



The settings for the daemon trace logs.

See Section 5.0, Configuring Trace Logs.

Daemon Trace Level



Controls how much information is passed to the daemon trace logs.

See Section 5.0, Configuring Trace Logs.

Automatically Start Servers

Database Image Formula


A list of all servers that should start automatically when the mosdaemon starts.

See Section 3.0, Configuring Operations Center Start Conditions.

Daemon Shell Service Port



The specified port to listen for the daemon shell service.

Daemon Shell Service ACL

+IP address for localhost;

+IP address for localhost;

The clients running on the local host that can access the daemon shell service.

To configure this setting, precede each hostname or IP address that is allolwed access with a plus sign (+), and separate the entries with a semicolon (;). For example:


Daemon Shell Service Security

Disable Service

Disable Service

Enables the daemon shell service, where by using and RMI registry in the daemon, processes can be forked to avoid generating a large swap footprint. Select one of the following options:

  • Unsecured communication

  • Secured communication using SSL

  • Secured Communication using SSL and Client Certificates

Default is Disable service.

For more information about communication settings, see the Communications Security in the Operations Center 5.6 Security Management Guide.

2.2.3 Security Pane

The section describes Configuration Manager settings for secure communication and security features.

Figure 2-3 shows the Security pane that contains configuration options for secure communications between client and server, the Dashboard, and Web Services. Table 2-3 provides information about configuring these options.

Figure 2-3 Configuration Manager Security Pane on the Components Tab

Table 2-3 Configuration Manager Security Pane Settings


Windows Default

UNIX Default


Client/Server Communication Mode

Unsecured Communication

Unsecured Communication

Select from the following:

  • Unsecured Communication: The server only accepts access via Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) communications protocols, and does not use SSL to encrypt these data streams.

  • Secured Communication using SSL: The server only accepts access via HTTPS communications protocols, using the Secure Sockets Layer to encrypt these data streams.

  • Support Both Unsecured and Secured Communication: Operations Center supports both secured and unsecured access.

See Section 4.0, Configuring Network Communication Settings. For more information, see Communications Security in the Operations Center 5.6 Security Management Guide.

Password Expiration



The number of days a password can be used. For example, enter 30 to require users to change their passwords every 30 days.

Password Expiration Warning



The number of days prior to password expiration to issue a warning for users to change their passwords. Enter 0 to disable.

Password Reuse



Determines the number of previous passwords that can be reused.

Specify 0 to use the same password indefinitely.

Specify a positive number (n) to indicate that new passwords cannot be the same as those of the last n passwords. For example, if you enter 2, a user cannot specify the same password that was used the last two times.

Specify a negative number (‑n) to indicate that new passwords cannot be the same as those used for the past n days. The number of days specified must be equal to or less than the number of days entered for Password Expiration. For example, specify ‑18 to prevent users from reusing passwords that were used during the past 18 days.

Password Pattern

0 or blank

0 or blank

Select one of the following to specify the format of the password:

  • Enter 0 or leave it blank to specify no restriction on the password format.

  • Enter .*[0–9]+.* to specify that the password might contain a combination of letters, digits, and special characters; however, it must contain at least a numeric character from 0 to 9.

  • Specify a regular expression pattern that must be matched.

Inactivity Timeout

0 or blank

0 or blank

The time frame during which user sessions can remain inactive before they are required to log in again.

0 or blank specifies no timeout.

A positive number specifies the length of time in minutes that the user can remain inactive. After the inactivity timeout occurs, users need to log on again and restart the Operations Center console.

Remote Services Security (RMI)

Unsecured communication

Unsecured communication

Three options for setting the RMI security level for communications between the Operations Center server and the dashboard, and between the Operations Center server and CMS:

  • Unsecured communication

  • Secured communication using SSL

  • Secured communication using SSL and Client Certificates

For more information about the dashboard, see the Operations Center 5.6 Dashboard Guide.

For more information about CMS, see the Operations Center 5.5 Configuration Management System (CMS) Guide.

Web Services Communication Security

Unsecured communication

Unsecured communication

Three options for communication between third-party applications and the Operations Center Web Services Application Programmer Interface (WSAPI):

  • Unsecured communication

  • Secured communication using SSL

  • Secured communication using SSL and Client Certificates

For more information, see the Operations Center 5.5 Web Services Guide.

2.2.4 Web Server Pane

The section describes Configuration Manager settings for the Web Server.

Figure 2-4 shows the Web Server pane that contains configuration options necessary for communication with the Web server. Table 2-4 provides information about configuring these options.

Figure 2-4 Configuration Manager Web Server Pane on the Components Tab

Table 2-4 Configuration Manager Web Server Pane Settings


Windows Default

UNIX Default


Web Server Port (HTTP)



Unsecured TCP/IP port number for Web server access. If the default port is already in use, change the port number.

See Section 4.0, Configuring Network Communication Settings.

Web Server Port (HTTPS)



Secure TCP/IP port number for Web server access. If the default port is already in use, change the port number.

See Section 4.0, Configuring Network Communication Settings.

Web Server Shutdown Port



The specified port opens a socket connection to listen for a shutdown command for the Web server.

See Section 4.0, Configuring Network Communication Settings.

2.2.5 NOC Server Pane

The section describes Configuration Manager settings for the Operations Center Server.

Figure 2-5 shows the NOC Server pane that contains configuration options for the server’s runtime environment and options, log files, configuration storage, and service ports. Table 2-5 provides information about configuring these options.

Figure 2-5 Configuration Manager Server Pane on the Components Tab

Table 2-5 Configuration Manager Server Pane Settings


Windows Default

UNIX Default


NOC Server Java Runtime Environment

c:\Program Files\OperationsCenter_install_path\jre\bin\java.exe


Executable for the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) on your system.

Click Browse to navigate to the location of the JRE program.

Before changing this value, see Section 6.0, Configuring Java and Memory.

For supported JREs, see the Operations Center 5.6 Getting Started Guide. For JRE installation information, see the Operations Center 5.6 Server Installation Guide.

NOC Server Java Runtime Options

-server -Xmx1g -XX:MaxPermSize=128m "-Xloggc:C:\OperationsCenter_install_path\logs\fsgc.log"

-server -Xmx1g -XX:MaxPermSize=128m "-Xloggc:C:/OperationsCenter_install_path/logs/fsgc.log"

Options for running the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which does not usually need to be changed.

On an IBM JVM, change the ‑Xloggc parameter for verbose Garbage Collection logging to: ‑Xverbosegclog:OperationsCenter_install_path/logs/fsgc.log.

If running in a 64-bit JVM, additional memory must be allocated. We recommend increasing -XX:MaxPermSize to 256m.

See Section 6.0, Configuring Java and Memory.

Client Java Runtime Options


‑server ‑Xmx512m ‑Xloggc:D:/formula3‑2/logs/fsgc.log

Options for running the JVM for the Operations Center console. Subject to Java Web Start VM option restrictions.

See Section 6.0, Configuring Java and Memory.

Server Trace Destination



The settings for the Operations Center server trace logs.

See Section 5.0, Configuring Trace Logs.

NOC Server Trace Level



Controls how much information is passed to the server trace logs. It is recommended to leave the default setting at start up.

See Section 5.0, Configuring Trace Logs.

Configuration Explorer Java Runtime Options



Sets memory for the Configuration Explorer utility.

See Section 6.0, Configuring Java and Memory.

Configuration Storage



Each Operations Center server must have a Configuring the Database for Configuration Storage database. A default database is provided.

Remote Services Port (RMI)



Port number for the Remote Method Invocation (RMI) registry used by the dashboard.

See Section 4.2, Configuring Ports.

This value must also be configured in the dashboards.

For more information, see the Operations Center 5.6 Dashboard Guide.

Web Services Port



Port number for third-party applications to access the Operations Center server using the Operations Center Web Services Application Programmer Interface (WSAPI).

See Section 4.2, Configuring Ports.

For more information, see the Operations Center 5.5 Web Services Guide.

2.2.6 Image Server Pane

The section describes Configuration Manager settings for the Image Server.

Figure 2-6 shows the Image Server pane that contains configuration options for the image server ports, log files, and runtime options. Table 2-6 provides information about configuring these options.

Figure 2-6 Configuration Manager Image Server Pane on the Components Tab

Table 2-6 Configuration Manager Image Server Pane Settings


Windows Default

UNIX Default


Image Server Port



The port to handle external communications between a Web client and the Image server.

See Section 4.0, Configuring Network Communication Settings.

Image Server Comm Port



The port to handle internal communications between Operations Center and the Image server.

See Section 4.0, Configuring Network Communication Settings.

Image Server Agent Port



The port used by the Image server agent.

See Section 4.0, Configuring Network Communication Settings.

Image Server Administration Port



The port used to access the administration Web application for the Image server.

See Section 4.0, Configuring Network Communication Settings.

Image Server Trace Destination



The settings for the Image server trace logs.

See Section 5.0, Configuring Trace Logs.

Image Server Trace Level



Controls how much information is passed to the Image server trace logs.

See Section 5.0, Configuring Trace Logs.

Image Server Java Runtime Environment



Executable for the Java Runtime Environment for the Image server. Click Browse to navigate to the location of the JRE.

See Section 6.0, Configuring Java and Memory.

Image Server Java Runtime Options

‑server ‑Xmx128m

‑server ‑Xmx128m

Options for running the Image server. Usually does not need to be changed.

See Section 6.0, Configuring Java and Memory.

Image Agent VM Size



Specify VM size for the image agent.

Image Cache Size



Specify cache size for the image agent, in the number of images.

2.2.7 SQL Views Pane

The section describes Configuration Manager settings for SQL Views.

Figure 2-7 shows the SQL Views pane that contains configuration options for setting the SQL Views port. Table 2-7 provides information about configuring these options.

Figure 2-7 Configuration Manager SQL Views Pane on the Components Tab

Table 2-7 Configuration Manager SQL Views Pane Settings


Windows Default

UNIX Default


SQL Views Port



The port used by SQL Views for access to the Operations Center server.

See Section 4.0, Configuring Network Communication Settings.

For more information, see the Operations Center 5.6 SQL Views Guide.

2.2.8 Remote Container Pane

The Remote Container feature off-loads from the Operations Center server the resources required to configure and maintain multiple adapter instances.

Figure 2-8 shows the Remote Container pane that contains configuration options for the remote container runtime environment and options, and log files. Table 2-8 provides information about configuring these options.

For more information about the Remote Container, see the Operations Center 5.6 Adapter and Integration Guide.

Figure 2-8 Configuration Manager Remote Container Pane on the Components Tab

Table 2-8 Configuration Manager Remote Containers Pane Settings


Windows Default

UNIX Default


Remote Container Java Runtime Environment



Specifies the path to the moscontainer.exe file. The ‑jvmhome setting points to the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) used to run the Remote Containers servers.

See Section 6.0, Configuring Java and Memory.

Remote Container Java Runtime Options

‑server ‑Xmx512m

‑server ‑Xmx512m

Options for running the Remote Container server. Usually does not need to be changed.

See Section 6.0, Configuring Java and Memory.

Remote Container Trace Destination



The settings for the Remote Container server trace logs.

See Section 5.0, Configuring Trace Logs.

Remote Container Server Trace Level



Controls how much information is passed to the Remote Container server trace logs.

See Section 5.0, Configuring Trace Logs.

2.2.9 Event Manager Pane

The section describes Configuration Manager settings for Event Manager agents.

Figure 2-9 shows the Event Manager pane that contains configuration options for the Event Manager runtime environment and options, and log files. Table 2-9 provides information about configuring these options.

For more information about Event Manager, see the Operations Center 5.6 Event Manager Guide.

Figure 2-9 Configuration Manager Event Manager Pane on the Components Tab

Table 2-9 Configuration Manager Event Manager Pane Settings


Windows Default

UNIX Default


Configuration Server Java Runtime Environment



Executable for the Java Runtime Environment for the Event Manager Agent Manager. Click Browse to navigate to the location of the JRE.

For more information about configuring Java and Memory, see Section 6.0, Configuring Java and Memory.

Configuration Server Java Runtime Options

‑server ‑Xmx128m

‑server ‑Xmx128m

Options for running VM for the Event Manager Agent Manager server. Usually does not need to be changed.

For more information about configuring Java and Memory, see Section 6.0, Configuring Java and Memory.

Alarm Server Java Runtime Environment



Executable for the Java Runtime Environment for the Event Manager Alarm Server. Click Browse to navigate to the location of the JRE.

For more information about configuring Java and Memory, see Section 6.0, Configuring Java and Memory.

Alarm Server Java Runtime Options

‑server ‑Xmx256m

‑server ‑Xmx256m

A setting for VM for the Event Manager Alarm server. Usually does not need to be changed.

For more information about configuring Java and Memory, see Section 6.0, Configuring Java and Memory.

Configuration Server Trace Destination



The location in which to save the Event Manager server trace log files.

For more information about configuring trace logs, see Section 5.0, Configuring Trace Logs.

Configuration Server Trace Level



These settings control how much information is passed to the Event Manager server trace logs.

For more information about configuring trace logs, see Section 5.0, Configuring Trace Logs.

2.2.10 Event Manager Agent Pane

The section describes Configuration Manager settings for Event Manager agents.

Figure 2-10 shows the Event Manager Agent pane that contains configuration options for the Event Manager Agent runtime environment and options, ports, and log files. Table 2-10 provides information about configuring these options.

For more information about Event Manager and Event Manager agents, see the Operations Center 5.6 Event Manager Guide.

Figure 2-10 Configuration Manager Event Manager Agent Pane on the Components Tab

Table 2-10 Configuration Manager Event Manager Agent Settings


Windows Default

UNIX Default


Agent Container Java Runtime Environment



Executable for the Java Runtime Environment for the Event Manager Agent Manager. Click Browse to navigate to the location of the JRE.

For more information about configuring Java and Memory, Section 6.0, Configuring Java and Memory.

Agent Container Java Runtime Options

‑server ‑Xmx128m

‑server ‑Xmx128m

Options for running VM for the Event Manager Agent Manager server. Usually does not need changing.

For more information about configuring Java and Memory, Section 6.0, Configuring Java and Memory.

Agent Container Trace Level



These settings control how much information is passed to the Event Manager agent trace logs.

For more information about configuring trace logs, see Section 5.0, Configuring Trace Logs.

Agent Container Trace Destination



The location in which to save the Event Manager agent trace log files.

For more information about configuring trace logs, see Section 5.0, Configuring Trace Logs.

Configuration Server Host

IP address for localhost

IP address for localhost

IP address for the Eve Configuration Manager for the agent. When an agent is installed with Operations Center or a Remote Container, this defaults to the local server. When agent is stand-alone, it must be populated.

Configuration Server Daemon Port



The daemon port on the server specified above.

2.2.11 Database Pane

The section describes Configuration Manager settings for the database.

Figure 2-11 shows the Database pane that contains configuration options for loading custom Java class files, and warehouse write mode. Table 2-11 provides information about configuring these options.

Figure 2-11 Configuration Manager Database Pane on the Components Tab

Table 2-11 Configuration Manager Database Pane Settings


Windows Default

UNIX Default


Additional Class Files




Comma-separated custom Java class files to load when the Operations Center server starts. These files should be placed in the /OperationsCenter_install_path/classes/ext directory.

Loading class files is only necessary if you do custom development.

Warehouse Write Mode (Only Affects Clustering)



Select MEMORY-QUEUED for one Operations Center server in a clustered environment to update the database for the Service Warehouse.

Select DISK-QUEUED to have an internal disk-based queued repository used for the BSW to queue data locally instead of using the backup repository. The backup repository has two main drawbacks: it uses more memory and it is nondeterministic when queueing to disk occurs.

Disk-Queued can be used in either clustered mode or nonclustered mode. For clusters, it allows the primary warehouse writer to float between members of the cluster.

See Implementing a High Availability Solution in the Operations Center 5.6 Server Installation Guide.

If used in nonclustered mode, the write throughput speed for alarms takes about a 10% performance hit, and performance for nonalarm BSW writes increases. The benefit to using the Disk-Queued mode in nonclustered mode is improved fault-tolerance to outages of the server (data is always buffered locally on disk before sending to the BSW), and drastically reduced memory usage for the server (no in‑memory queuing occurs).