2.29 PlateSpin Orchestrate

The PlateSpin Orchestrate adapter is designed to display an overview of PlateSpin resources, provide specific operations on VMs, and provide alarms to alert the user of conditions that might need attention.

The adapter displays resources based on:

Relationships between the Host Servers and VM's are displayed within the Operations Center hierarchy. Operations available for VM's include Start, Shutdown, Restart, Pause, Unpause, Suspend and Resume.

Repository information and alarms are available to help the user easily determine if available repository disk space is a concern.

The following sections describe how to integrate to PlateSpin Orchestrate:

2.29.1 Integrating PlateSpin Orchestrate

To configure the PlateSpin Orchestrate adapter:

  1. Copy the /opt/novell/pso-ws/jetty/etc/psoserver.cer server cert file to the Operations Center server.

  2. Issue the following command to import the server cert into the client keystore:

    keytool -import -keystore cacerts -alias psoserver -file psoserver.cer

    When prompted, specify the password for the certificate or your CA. The default password is changeit if not previously modified.

    Also be sure to import this into the java cacerts that Operations Center is using. To find out which one is being used, run the Configuration Manager to see what directory it is.

  3. Restart the Operations Center server.

    For instructions, see Manually Starting the Operations Center Server and Starting the Operations Center Server in UNIX in the Operations Center 5.0 Server Installation Guide.

  4. In the Operations Center console, create an adapter for each instance of a PlateSpin Orchestrate on the network. For information on creating an adapter, see Section 5.1, Creating an Adapter.

    For more information about PlateSpin Orchestrate adapter properties, see Section A.36, PlateSpin Orchestrate.

    IMPORTANT:When creating multiple PSO adapters, use the same keystore/truststore file. However, each PSO Server cert must have a unique alias. After adding new certs into the client keystore/truststore file, you must restart the Operations Center server.

2.29.2 Adapter Notes and Troubleshooting

If the keystore passwords are changed in the adapter configuration, you must restart the Operations Center server for the changes to take affect.

If any SSL errors are encountered during adapter startup, check the PSO server URL, the keystore paths, and keystore passwords.