2.9 Computer Associates (CA) Spectrum

This adapter was previously named Aprisma SPECTRUM, and has the same functionality as the former one.

Create an adapter for each instance of Spectrum on the network (see Section 5.1, Creating an Adapter). Also modify the adapter properties (see Section A.10, Computer Associates Spectrum).

The Spectrum integration automatically instantiates a copy of the Visigenic ORB for the sole purpose of communicating with the SpectroServers. It is necessary to obtain a series of Spectrum CORBA API JAR files directly from Computer Associates and copy them to the Operations Center installation directory.

IMPORTANT:When creating an adapter, select the CA Spectrum adapter. Only select the older Aprisma SPECTRUM driver if upgrading from a previous release.

Refer to the following topics to integrate to Spectrum:

2.9.1 Integrating Spectrum

To integrate spectrum:

  1. Obtain the following files from Computer Associates, then copy them to the directories listed:

    For Version

    Obtain These Files

    Copy To

    Spectrum Version 8.0

    • global80.jar
    • lm.jar
    • omi80.jar
    • productsuite80.jar
    • sbgwimport80.jar
    • snmpsrv80.jar
    • ssorb80.jar
    • ssorbbeans80.jar
    • ssorbutil80.jar
    • util80.jar
    • utilapp80.jar
    • utilgui80.jar
    • utilnet80.jar
    • utilsrv80.jar
    • vbhelper80.jar
    • vbjorb.jar
    • vbsec.jar

    Spectrum Version 9.0

    • global90.jar
    • jsafeJCEFIPS.jar
    • lm.jar
    • ssorb90.jar
    • ssorbutil90.jar
    • utilapp90.jar
    • utilgui.jar
    • utilsrv90.jar
    • vbhelper90.jar
    • vbjorb.jar

    Spectrum Version 9.2

    • global92.jar
    • jsafeJCEFIPS.jar
    • lm.jar
    • ssorb92.jar
    • ssorbutil92.jar
    • utilapp92.jar
    • utilgui.jar
    • utilsrv92.jar
    • vbhelper92.jar
    • vbjorb.jar
  2. If upgrading an existing installation, do the following:

    • Delete spectrum.jar from the /OperationsCenter_install_path/integrations directory.

    • Delete all Spectrum API JAR files from the /OperationsCenter_install_path/classes/ext directory.

      The table in Step 1 lists these JAR files.

  3. For Spectrum version 9.0 and 9.2, do the following:

    • Copy the SpectrumInstallation/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/lib/clienttopo.jar file into the /OperationsCenter_install_path/integrations/ext/spectrumV90 directory.

    • Copy the contents from SpectrumInstallation/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/WEB-INF to the Operations Center server. Specify this location in the Spectrum OneClick Topology Config Directory adapter property when you create an adapter.

    • Copy the Spectrum Cause files from SpectrumInstallation/SG-Support/CsPCause to the Operations Center server. Specify this location in the Spectrum Cause File Directory property when you create an adapter.

    • For more information about adapter properties, see Section A.10, Computer Associates Spectrum.

  4. Set up the Spectrum SpectroServer to allow connections from the Operations Center server.

    Use the Spectrum Control Panel or edit the .hostrc file in the Spectrum installation directory. Since Spectrum security requires this change, perform this step for each SpectroServer connected to Operations Center.

    In the .hostrc file, add a line that contains the IP address of the Operations Center server. Do not stop the SpectroServer; changes update approximately within a minute.

    The Spectrum User property value (see Section A.10, Computer Associates Spectrum) for the Spectrum adapter must match the IP address entered in the .hostrc file.

  5. Enable the Corba Naming service on each Spectrum server to allow ORB independence and communication with the Operations Center server.

    For more information, see the Spectrum documentation.

  6. Restart the Operations Center server.

    For instructions, see Manually Starting the Operations Center Server and Starting the Operations Center Server in UNIX in the Operations Center 5.0 Server Installation Guide.

  7. Create an adapter for each instance of Spectrum on the network.

    Because Spectrum requires separate sets of CORBA API libraries for Spectrum versions 8.x, and 9.0; separate adapter types exist to support both Spectrum versions 8.x, and 9.0. You must create a separate adapter for each version of the Spectrum server.

    Adapters can be created for each Spectrum server, or an adapter can connect to a SpectroServer designated as a master catalog. When doing the latter, other SpectroServers must be added to the topology of the master catalog for them to show up in the adapter. For more information on adding SpectroServers to the master catalog using the Spectrum OneClick Console, consult the Spectrum documentation.

    A separate Spectrum adapter license is required for each SpectroServer that Operations Center connects to, even though a single adapter can connect to multiple SpectroServers.

  8. Modify adapter properties. For a detailed list, see Section A.10, Computer Associates Spectrum.

2.9.2 Integrating Spectrum Event Descriptions

To integrate event descriptions from Spectrum:

  1. Copy the contents of the Spectrum SG-Support directory to a directory named SG-Support on the Operations Center server.

  2. Set the adapter property Spectrum installation Directory (see Section A.10, Computer Associates Spectrum) to the parent directory of the SG-Support directory.

    For example, if the directory is /opt/formula/SG-Support, then set the property to /opt/formula.

    After upgrading Operations Center, it is necessary to re‑create all existing Spectrum adapter instances, to allow the Spectrum adapter to dynamically load the libraries for all existing adapters.

    Subsequent sections provide more details.

2.9.3 Enabling the CORBA Naming Service

When integrating Spectrum, note that the CORBA naming service is disabled by default. To enable the service, modify the <$SPECROOT>/lib/SDPM/partslist/NAMINGSERVICE.idb file so that the process automatically starts the Visibroker naming service.

Enabling the CORBA Naming Service

To enable the CORBA naming service:

  1. Edit the <$SPECROOT>/lib/SDPM/partslist/NAMINGSERVICE.idb file.

    Change the line from:



  2. Add the following line to both the <$SPECROOT>/SS/.vnmrc and <$SPECROOT>/SS/DDM/.configrc files.

    For CsCLocServMapInt, add the use_naming_service line to <$SPECROOT>/LS/.locrc:

  3. Restart the SpectroServer and ArchMgr.

  4. Shut down Spectrum and reboot the system.

Verifying the Naming Service Advertisements

To verify naming service advertisements:

  1. Navigate to <$SPECROOT>/bin/VBNS and run:

    nsutil list <SS hostname>

    which returns the following:

    Bindings in <SS hostname>
    Object : CsCAlarmDomain
    Object : CsCEventDomain
    Object : CsCStatisticDomain
    Object : CsCTypeCatalogTranslation
    Object : RTMDomain
    Object : CsCGlobalModelDomain
    Object : CsCModelDomain
    Object : CsCModelDomainTranslation

2.9.4 Understanding Spectrum Adapter Features

This section describes how Operations Center handles and displays the following Spectrum features:

For details on these features, see your Spectrum documentation.

Distributed Support

The Spectrum+ integration can follow remote landscape models in Spectrum. A Spectrum administrator who wants to create a link to another SpectroServer can create a remote model object. The Spectrum+ integration follows these links, contacts the remote SpectroServer, and continues mining models. Integrate any number of SpectroServers, subject to licensing.

Property Pages

Operations Center retrieves the following property pages for Spectrum elements:

  • General Information

  • Asset Information

  • Spectrum Modeling Information

  • VLAN Configuration

Model Alarms

Operations Center can retrieve and display alarms that pertain to a Spectrum model object.

Landscape Alarms

Operations Center can retrieve and display alarms set on a landscape.

Alarm Causes

The alarm property pages display probable cause text for the alarm, if the probable cause information is made available to the integration (via NFS link or copying it locally).

Topology Layouts

The Layout view displays topology views that are similar to SpectroGraph displays. Operations Center can display models and their positions and the links between them. However, Operations Center does not display the more complex pictographs that represent composite sites.

Logged Attributes

All attributes in the SpectroServer tagged with the logged attribute are recorded over time. However, few attributes contain this type of information. The Operations Center Performance view can display this data.

Model Lifecycle

The integration updates to match the model object lifecycles as Spectrum creates and destroys models.

Dynamic Discovery

Operations Center mines only the portions of the SpectroServer database that are relevant to Service Views. This promotes efficient mining by the integration.

Configuring Remote Landscape Navigation

To navigate remote landscapes:

  1. In the Spectrum agentaddr file, specify the host names and IP addresses of remote agents.