What are the configuration requirements for an Exchange Migrator project to successfully run EMCLI D (NETIQKB1296)

  • 7701296
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 09-May-2008


What are the configuration requirements for an Exchange Migrator project to successfully run EMCLI DIRSYNC?

Exchange Migrator 1.x

Exchange Migrator 2.x


Please refer to the following configuration requirements:

  1. Click on Create a Migration Project to start the New Project Wizard.
  2. Enter a name for your migration project.
  3. Specify the names of the source and target Exchange servers.
  4. Complete the New Project Wizard.
  5. Click on Step 3: Specify Migration Options.
    • Step 3: Specify Migration Options must be run to validate and enumerate the source and target MAPI profiles in EM. It is not necessary to specify your options at this time as EMCLI DIRSYNC does not need this information. Simply clicking through the screens and completing the 'Specify Migration Options Wizard' is all that is required.
  6. Complete the Settings Wizard.

EMCLI DIRSYNC will allow you to create Custom Recipients (CR) (or Contacts in Exchange 2000) in the target Organization's Global Address List (GAL) for all mailboxes and Distribution Lists (DL) in the source and vice-versa.

Please note that the EMCLI DIRSYNC utility is only designed to be used in an 'Inter-Org' (ORG to ORG) migration scenario. Using EMCLI DIRSYNC to synchronize the GALs between two sites in the same ORG would not be desireable due to the fact that the GAL would then contain duplicate names for the mailboxes and DLs which may cause confusion as to which one to choose.

For more information about syntax and usage for EMCLI DIRSYNC please visit the following articles:

  • NETIQKB1153 What does the EMCLI DIRSYNC  utility synchronize?

  • NETIQKB863 What is the syntax and usage for EMCLI DIRSYNC?

  • Additional Information

    Formerly known as NETIQKB1296