1.2 System Requirements

1.2.1 System Requirements for Portability Suite Server Hosts

Portability Suite Server hosts must meet the following system requirements:

Table 1-1 Portability Suite Server Host Requirements



Operating System

Any of the following, running on dedicated hardware or in a virtual machine:

  • Microsoft Windows Server* 2008 (Standard and Enterprise editions)

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (SP0, SP1, SP2), English, French, or German versions

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2


750 Mhz or higher Pentium* compatible CPU (1 GHz recommended)


Minimum 512 MB RAM (2 GB recommended)

Disk Space

Minimum 10 GB

Additional space might be necessary if you plan to use the same system as a Flexible Image Server. The amount of additional space depends on the number and size of workload images that you intend to store on a given image server. See Designating a Flexible Image Server in your User Guide.

Database Server

One of the following:

  • Microsoft SQL Server* 2005 Express Edition, included in your software distribution

  • Existing local or remote Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database server

Windows Software Components

Windows Server 2003 systems (all editions):

Windows Server 2008 systems (all editions):

1.2.2 System Requirements for Portability Suite Client Hosts

You can install the Portability Suite Client on the Portability Suite Server host or on a separate computer.

Standalone Portability Suite Client hosts must meet the following system requirements:

Table 1-2 Portability Suite Client Host Requirements



Operating System

Any of the following, running on dedicated hardware or in a virtual machine:

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (Standard and Enterprise editions)

  • Microsoft Windows Vista* (Business and Ultimate Editions)

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (SP0, SP1, SP2), English, French, German versions

  • Windows XP (SP1 and later)

Disk Space

Minimum 3 GB

Windows Software Components

Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 and later. Download a copy from the Microsoft Download Center.