3.9 Understanding Portal Properties Files

As with many systems, properties files are used to configure various default settings for the Dashboard. These are not limited to, but include:

Liferay portal settings are defined in the portal.properties file. Other settings necessary to integrate Operations Center and Operations Center portlets are defined in the portal-ext.properties file. Do not modify this file, as you might overwrite any update process that is already running. Instead, custom configurations should always be made in the portal-ext.custom.properties file.

Configurations in the portal-ext.custom.properties file always take precedence over settings in the portal-ext.properties file, which in turn always take precedence over settings in the portal.properties file.

For information about configurations that can be made to the Dashboard, through the portal-ext.custom.properties, see http://www.liferay.com/community/wiki/-/wiki/MainPortal+Properties+5.2.3