The user account starting and stopping the Dashboard must have the proper permissions to create, update, and delete contents in the Dashboard directory on the Dashboard server. The user must also have the Environment variable %JAVA_HOME% in Windows or $JAVA_HOME in Linux/Unix set to point to the JDK directory.
For important notes about starting the Dashboard for the first time, see Section 2.2.6, Starting the Dashboard for the First Time and Verifying the Installation.
To start the Dashboard:
Do one of the following:
Windows: Do one:
Run the /OperationsCenter_Dashboard_install_path/bin/startup.bat script file.
Start the Operations Center Dashboard Windows service.
In the Windows Start Menu, select NetIQ Operations Center > NetIQ Operations Center Dashboard > Start NetIQ Operations Center Dashboard.
UNIX: Issue the command.
To stop the Dashboard, do one of the following:
Windows: Do one:
Run the /OperationsCenter_Dashboard_install_path/bin/shutdown.bat script file.
Stop the Operations Center Dashboard Windows service.
In the Windows Start Menu, select NetIQ Operations Center > NetIQ Operations Center Dashboard > Stop NetIQ Operations Center Dashboard.
UNIX: Issue the command.
If the Dashboard does not terminate normally after invoking the command, issue the command again using the -force option to perform a hard shutdown of the Dashboard.