This section provides the steps for installing iManager Server and iManager Workstation on Windows servers and clients. To prepare for the installation, review the prerequisites and system requirements:
iManager Server: Considerations for Installing iManager Server on a Windows Platform.
iManager Workstation: Considerations for Installing iManager Workstation on Windows Clients.
Also see the Release Notes accompanying the release.
The following procedure describes how to install the server version of iManager on a Windows server using an installation wizard. To perform a silent, unattended installation, see Installing iManager Silently.
If the setup program for iManager Server detects a previously installed version of iManager, it might give you the option to stop the installation process or remove the existing iManager, JRE, and Tomcat installations. When the setup program removes the previously installed version of iManager, it backs up the directory structure to the old TOMCAT_HOME directory to preserve any previously created custom content.
For information about running iManager Server on the same machine as NetIQ eDirectory, see Running eDirectory and iManager on the Same Computer (Windows only)
in the NetIQ iManager Administration Guide.
When you install iManager server, the process lays down the following products on your server:
Tomcat 9.0.55-1
Azul ZuluOpenJDK 1.8.0_312 (64-bit)
To install iManager Server on Windows:
Log in as a user with administrator privileges on the computer where you want to install iManager.
At the NetIQ Downloads Web site, search for iManager products, select iManager 3.2, then download to a directory on your server.
Extract the file into the iManager folder.
Run iManagerInstall.exe (extracted_directory\iManager\installs\win).
(Optional) To view the debug output of the installation program, hold the Ctrl key immediately after launching the installation program until a console window appears. For more information about debugging, see “Troubleshooting” in the NetIQ iManager Administration Guide.
In the iManager welcome window, select a language, and then click OK.
In the Introduction window, and then click Next.
Accept the License Agreement, and then click Next.
(Conditional) If your server already has a version of JVM or Tomcat or other supporting components that are installed as part of iManager, in the Detection Summary window, complete the following steps:
Under Install the following components, verify that the versions listed for the components match the versions that you want to install.
(Optional) If the setup program does not list the versions that you want to install, browse to the appropriate components in the installation folder.
Click Next.
In the Get PORT Input window, specify the port numbers on which Tomcat server must run, and then click Next.
By default, the HTTP port and SSL port values are 8080 and 8443, respectively. However, if you have another service or Tomcat server using the default ports, you can specify different ports on which you want Tomcat to run. Ensure that the custom ports you are mentioning are available.
(Optional) To use IPv6 addresses with iManager, click Yes in the Enable IPv6 window.
You can enable IPv6 addresses after you install iManager. For more information, see Configuring iManager for IPv6 Addresses after Installation.
Click Next.
In the Choose Install Folder window, specify the folder to store the installation files, and then click Next.
The default installation location is C:\Program Files\Novell.
(Optional) To download and install plug-ins as part of the installation, complete the following steps:
In the Select Plug-ins to Download and Install window, select the plug-ins that you want.
(Optional) To download plug-ins from an different network location, specify an alternative Network URL.
When using an alternative URL for downloading plug-ins, you must verify the URL contents, and verify that the plug-in is appropriate for your use. By default, the installation program downloads plug-ins from . For more information, see Understanding Installation for iManager Plug-ins.
Click Next.
(Conditional) The setup program might display the following message:
No new or updated plug-ins found. All plug-ins are downloaded or updated or the iManager download server is unavailable.
If you see this error, one or more of the following conditions exist:
There are no updated plug-ins available from the download site.
There is a problem with your Internet connection. Verify your connection and try again.
Connection to the Descriptor File was not successful. This URL refers to an XML descriptor file of available iManager plug-ins.
The iManager installation is behind a proxy that does not allow a connection to the above URL.
(Optional) To install plug-ins from a local directory, in the Select Plug-ins to Install from Disk window, specify the directory path that contains the appropriate .npm plug-in files.
This step allows you to install previously downloaded or custom plug-ins. The default path is /extracted location/iManager/installs/plugins. However, you can specify any valid path.
Click Next.
Specify the certificate public key algorithm that you want the TLS certificate to use, then click Next.
You can select one of the following options:
RSA: The certificate uses a 2048-bit RSA key pair.
ECDSA 256: The certificate uses a ECDSA key pair with curve secp256r1.
The default option is RSA.
Based on the certificate you choose in Step15, iManager allows you to configure the following cipher levels for TLS communication.
RSA: This certificate allows four cipher levels.
NONE: Allows any type of cipher.
LOW: Allows a 56-bit or a 64-bit cipher.
MEDIUM: Allows a 128-bit cipher.
HIGH: Allows ciphers that are greater than 128-bit.
ECDSA 256: This certificate allows one cipher level.
SUITEB 128 ONLY: Allows a 128-bit cipher.
For ECDSA certificates, iManager allows only Suite B ciphers.
By default, the cipher level is set to NONE. The selected cipher level is activated after Tomcat server is restarted.
(Optional) In the Get User and Tree Names window, specify an authorized user and the name of the eDirectory tree that this user will manage.
If eDirectory uses a port other than the default port 524, you can specify the IP address or DNS name of the eDirectory server plus the port number. Do not use localhost. For example, to specify an IPv6 address, enter https://[2001:db8::6]:1080/nps/servlet/webacc?taskId=fw.Startup&forceMaster=true.
NetIQ does not recommend leaving these settings blank. If you leave these fields blank, iManager allows any user to install plug-ins and make changes to iManager server settings. You can specify an authorized user after completing the installation process. For more information, see Specifying an Authorized User for eDirectory.
The installation program does not validate the specified user credentials with eDirectory.
Click Next.
Read the Pre-installation summary page, and then click Install.
When the installation completes, the Install Complete window displays relevant messages about the success of the process.
NOTE:Sometimes the Install Complete window might display the following error message:
The installation of iManager version is complete, but some errors occurred during the install. Please see the installation log Log file path for details. Press "Done" to quit the installer.
(Conditional) If the installer displays the error message shown in Step 21, complete the following steps:
Note the path to the log file that the error message displays.
In the Install Complete window, click Done.
Open the log file.
(Conditional) If you find the following error in the log file, you can ignore the error message. The installation was successful, and iManager functions properly.
Custom Action: com.novell.application.iManager.install.InstallDLLs Status: ERROR Additional Notes: ERROR - class com.novell.application.iManager.install.InstallDLLs NonfatalInstallException C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcr71.dll (The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process)
(Conditional) If the log file does not contain the error listed in Step 22.d, NetIQ recommends that you retry the installation.
Click Done.
When the initialization of iManager finishes, click the first link in the Getting Started page, an then log in. For more information, see “Accessing iManager” in the NetIQ iManager Administration Guide.
iManager Workstation is a self-contained environment. You can install multiple versions on the same workstation (including older versions of Mobile iManager). However, you should not attempt to run them concurrently. If you need to use different versions, run one version, close it, and then run the other version.
NOTE:You cannot run iManager Workstation from a path that includes spaces. For example, C:\NetIQ\iManager Workstation\working.
When you install iManager workstation, the process lays down the following products on your machine:
Tomcat 9.0.55-1
Azul ZuluOpenJDK 1.8.0_312 (64-bit)
To install iManager Workstation on Windows:
At the NetIQ Download Web site, search for iManager products, select iManager version, then download the file. For example,
Extract the file to a folder.
From the imanager\bin folder, run the iManager.bat file.
NOTE:The above step installs NICI 64-bit and Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable Package. If you have any older version of NICI installed, you will be prompted to upgrade NICI to the latest version.
In the iManager login window, specify the credentials for an authorized user and the eDirectory tree that this user manages.
For more information about accessing iManager, see Accessing iManager
in the NetIQ iManager Administration Guide.
(Optional) To enable IPv6 addresses, complete the following steps:
Open the User_Install_Directory/Tomcat/conf/ file.
Set the following configuration entries in the file:
Restart the Tomcat service.