By default, the plug-in modules are not replicated between iManager servers. You must install the plug-in modules that you want on each iManager server.
In a clean install, you must select the plug-ins that need to be installed. You can override the default selections and add new plug-ins to download. As a general rule, you should always upgrade plug-ins that you installed with a previous version of iManager. Also, more recent plug-ins might not be compatible with previous versions of iManager.
The base plug-ins for iManager are available only as part of the complete iManager software download (for example, eDirectory administrative plug-ins). Unless there are specific updates to these plug-ins, you can only download and install them with the entire iManager product.
The installation program uses an XML descriptor file, iman_mod_desc.xml, to identify the plug-ins that are available for downloading. The default URL for the file is . However, you can point the installation program to an alternative network URL. For example, you might be installing iManager behind a proxy or firewall that prevents the installation program from accessing the default URL.
IMPORTANT:You must use the latest iManager SDK to re-compile any custom plug-ins that you want to use with the newly installed version environment.
For instructions about downloading and installing plug-ins, see the steps in one of the following sections:
Linux: Installing iManager Server and iManager Workstation on Linux
Windows: Installing iManager Server and iManager Workstation on Windows
Silent installation: Installing iManager Silently
For more information about customizing the process for downloading and installing plug-ins, see “Downloading and Installing Plug-in Modules”.