7.15 Finish Activity

The Finish activity marks the completion of a workflow. When the Finish activity executes, an email message is sent to notify participants that the workflow has finished.

7.15.1 Properties

The Finish activity has the following properties:

Table 7-27 Finish Activity Properties



Activity Id

Specify a unique string value that identifies the activity. Activity Ids are written to the user application’s log file. Specifying a meaningful Activity Id makes it easier to understand the data written to the logs. You can specify letters, numbers, and the underscore (_) character.

If you do not specify a value, the Activity Id defaults to ActivityNN where the NN represents the order in which the activity was added to the workflow.


Provides a name for the activity.

Notify by E-Mail

Provides a method of triggering an email notification when the Finish activity is executed. When this property is set to True, an email notification is sent. When this property is set to False, no email notification is sent.

See Email Notification for information about setting up the email notification.

7.15.2 Data Item Mapping

Not supported with this activity.

7.15.3 Email Notification

To enable email notification for the Finish activity, you need to specify the email template to use, as well as source expressions for target tokens in the email body.

Table 7-28 E-Mail Notification Settings for the Finish Activity



E-Mail Template

Specifies the name of the email template to use. By default, the Finish activity uses the Provisioning Approval Completed Notification template.

You can edit an email template in Designer. See Editing an email template: for more information.



Specifies the source expressions for target tokens in the email body.

The list of target tokens is determined by the selected email template. You cannot add new tokens, but you can assign values to the predefined tokens by building your own source expressions. At runtime, the source expressions are evaluated to determine the value of each token.

The available target tokens for the Provisioning Approval Completed Notification email template are listed below:

  • TO

  • CC

  • BCC


  • TO_DN

  • CC_DN

  • BCC_DN

  • requestStatus

  • requestSubmissionTime

  • requestID

  • recipientFullName

  • initiatorFullName

  • requestTitle

If you use a provisioning request definition template to create your workflow, each token has a default source expression. The default expressions retrieve values from the workflow process (the process object) or from the data abstraction layer (IDVault object). You can modify these expressions to suit your application requirements.

For details on building ECMA expressions, see Section 9.0, Working with ECMA Expressions.


  • Email notification is supported only when the Notify participants by E-Mail check box is selected on the Overview tab.

  • When you create a workflow for use with the Resource Request portlet, and you use _default_ as the expression for the TO token, the addressee expression must be an IDVault expression.

  • If you create an activity using any of the target tokens TO_DN, CC_DN, or BCC_DN, you must specify a user’s DN or an expression that resolves to a user’s DN as the source expression for the token.

  • If you create an activity using both the target tokens TO and TO_DN, the workflow sends out duplicate notification emails to the target users.