22.3 Upgrading the Remote Loader

If you are running the Remote Loader, you need to upgrade the Remote Loader files.

NOTE:Before upgrading .NET Remote Loader, ensure that you have successfully installed all the Windows updates on your system.

  1. Create a backup of the Remote Loader configuration files. The default location of the files is C:\...\RemoteLoader\remoteloadername-config.txt.

  2. Verify that the drivers are stopped. For instructions, see Stopping, Starting, or Restarting a Driver in Designer in the NetIQ Identity Manager Driver Administration Guide.

  3. Stop the Remote Loader service or daemon for each driver.

    In the Remote Loader Console, select the Remote Loader instance, then click Stop.

  4. Stop the lcache process using Windows Task Manager.

  5. (Conditional) To run a silent installation on a Windows server, ensure that the silent.properties file includes the path to the directory that contains the installed Remote Loader files. For example:


    The installation program does not detect the default path for the previous installation.

  6. Run the installation program for the Remote Loader.

    The installation process updates the files and binaries to the current version. For more information, see Section II, Installing Identity Manager Engine.

  7. After the installation finishes, verify that your configuration files contain your environment’s information.

  8. (Conditional) If there is a problem with the configuration file, copy the backup file that you created in Step 1. Otherwise, continue with Step 9.

  9. Start the Remote Loader service or daemon for each driver.

    In the Remote Loader Console, select the Remote Loader instance, then click Start.

IMPORTANT:If your driver uses MapDB, manually remove the existing MapDB state cache files for the driver after upgrading the driver. This is required because Identity Manager Engine upgrade process does not remove all of these files from the Identity Vault’s DIB directory. For more information, see Working with MapDB 3.0.5.