NetIQ Identity Manager 4.6 Service Pack 4 improves usability and resolves several previous issues. Many of these improvements were made in direct response to suggestions from our customers. We thank you for your time and valuable input. We hope you continue to help us ensure that our products meet all your needs. You can post feedback in the Identity Manager Community Forums on NetIQ Communities, our online community that also includes product information, blogs, and links to helpful resources.
The documentation for this product and the latest release notes are available on the NetIQ Web site on a page that does not require you to log in. If you have suggestions for documentation improvements, click comment on this topic at the bottom of any page in the HTML version of the documentation posted at the Identity Manager Documentation Web site.
Identity Manager 4.6.4 provides the following support, updates, and fixes in this release:
This release provides the following key functions:
In addition to the existing operating systems, this service pack supports Remote Loader on Windows Server 2019 (64-bit) platform.
In addition to the existing databases, this service pack supports Identity Applications and Identity Reporting on Oracle 12.2 database.
This release supports Azul Zulu OpenJDK 1.8.0_192. Azul Zulu OpenJDK replaces Oracle JRE.
This release adds support for the following Identity Manager components and dependent components:
This release adds support for the following components in Identity Manager:
Identity Manager Engine 4.6.4
Identity Manager Remote Loader 4.6.4
Identity Manager Designer 4.7.2
NOTE:You can download this version from the Designer download page.
Identity Applications 4.6.4
Identity Reporting 5.5.3
This release adds support for the following dependent components:
NetIQ eDirectory 9.1.2
NetIQ iManager 3.1.2
OSP 6.2.1
Sentinel Log Management for Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) 8.2.1
Apache Tomcat 8.5.32
PostgreSQL 9.6.12
Azul Zulu 1.80_192
NOTE:Oracle Java Development Kit (JDK) or Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is discontinued from this release. Azul Zulu 1.80_192 OpenJDK is installed with this service pack to fulfill the Java requirements for Identity Manager.
This release includes the following software fixes that resolve several previous issues in the Identity Manager:
NetIQ Identity Manager includes the following software fix in Identity Manager engine and plug-ins:
In an Identity Manager environment, Identity Vault version 9.1.2 is enhanced to prevent any crashes when XDAS auditing is enabled. (Bug 1124512)
NetIQ Identity Manager includes software fixes that resolve several previous issues in the identity applications.
Identity Applications successfully redirects users to the SSPR page when the hostname contains the SSPR string. (Bug 1114679)
If you are an Active Directory user and your Active Directory password is active, but your Identity Vault password has expired, you can log in to the Identity Manager Dashboard. Identity Manager introduces com.netiq.rbpm.pwd-expiry.sspr.redirect.enable property in the file. Ensure that the value of the property is set to False for logging in to the dashboard. (Bug 1117851)
Identity Applications have been enhanced to prevent processing delays when PRDs containing multiple conditions are called multiple times in a workflow. To further enhance the performance of Identity Applications, set the value for the maxTotal property for your database in the server.xml file located at /opt/netiq/idm/apps/tomcat/conf or C:\NetIQ\idm\apps\tomcat\conf to 200. (Bug 1122593)
For example,
<Resource auth="Container" driverClassName="org.postgresql.Driver" factory="com.netiq.tomcat.jdbc.pool.CustomBasicDataSourceFactory" initialSize="10" maxTotal="200" maxIdle="10" minIdle="10" name="shared/IDMUADataSource" password="<passsword>" testOnBorrow="true" type="javax.sql.DataSource" url="jdbc:postgresql://<ip-address>:port/idmuserappdb" username="idmadmin" validationInterval="120000" validationQuery="SELECT 1"/>
The system requirements for this release are located at the Identity Manager 4.6 System Requirements page.
Log in to the NetIQ Downloads page and follow the link that allows you to download the software.
The following files are available:
Filename |
Description |
---|---| |
Contains files for Identity Manager Server (Identity Manager Engine and Remote Loader) | |
Contains files for Identity Applications |
For more information about the order of upgrading the components, see Section 3.2, Update Order.
You need to be on Identity Manager 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2 or 4.6.3 to upgrade to Identity Manager 4.6.4. If you are currently on Identity Manager 4.5.6 or a prior version, you must first upgrade to 4.6 and then upgrade to 4.6.4 version.
The upgrade process requires you to upgrade the Identity Manager components in a specific order. NetIQ recommends that you review this information from the release notes for your current version.
Base Version |
Upgraded Version |
Identity Manager engine, eDirectory, and identity applications |
Identity Manager 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, or 4.6.3 with eDirectory 9.0.2 HF2 or later |
Identity Manager 4.6.4 with eDirectory 9.1.2 or later Identity Manager 4.6.4 with eDirectory 9.0.4 or later |
Identity Manager 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, or 4.6.3 with eDirectory 8.8.8 SP9 HF2 or later |
Identity Manager 4.6.4 with eDirectory 9.1.2 or later Identity Manager 4.6.4 with eDirectory 9.0.4 or later Identity Manager 4.6.3 with eDirectory 8.8.8 Patch 11 or later |
Remote Loader |
Identity Manager 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, or 4.6.3, with Remote Loader 4.6 |
Identity Manager 4.6.4 with Remote Loader 4.6.4 |
Identity Manager Designer |
Designer 4.6, 4.6.1, or 4.6.2 |
Designer 4.7.2 NOTE:Upgrade Designer to 4.7 before upgrading it to 4.7.2. Designer 4.7 includes an LDAP protocol to perform live operations with the Identity Vault. You must convert your workspace to work with this version of Designer. For more information about other considerations, see NetIQ Identity Manager Designer 4.6 Release Notes. For information about Designer 4.7, see Designer 4.7 Release Notes. |
Designer (LDAP) 4.6, 4.6.1,, or 4.6.2 |
Designer 4.7.2 NOTE:Upgrade Designer to 4.7 before upgrading it to 4.7.2. |
Identity Applications 4.6, 4.6.1,, 4.6.2 or 4.6.3 |
Identity Applications 4.6.4 |
Identity Reporting 5.5.0, 5.5.1, or 5.5.2 |
Identity Reporting 5.5.3 |
You must update the components in the following order:
Identity Vault (Optional)
Identity Manager Engine
Remote Loader
Identity Applications (for Advanced Edition)
NOTE:After updating Identity Applications, you must update OSP before restarting the Tomcat application server.
Sentinel Log Management for IGA
Identity Reporting
This service pack includes for updating the Identity Manager engine. For update instructions, see the steps listed in the download page.
This service pack includes an update to Identity Applications and the supporting software. After the update, you must verify that the components are updated to the following versions:
Identity Applications 4.6.4
Apache Tomcat 8.5.32
Azul Zulu 1.80_192
NOTE:Oracle Java Development Kit (JDK) or Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is discontinued from this release. Azul Zulu 1.80_192 OpenJDK is installed with this service pack to fulfill the Java requirements for Identity Manager.
You can install the service pack by using the Identity Applications update utility or manually update the components. All the updates are available in the file. Download the file to the server where you deployed the identity applications and perform the steps listed in the download page.
This service pack requires you to update your existing PostgreSQL database version. For example, if you are running the PostgreSQL database on a SLES 11 SP4 server, upgrade the database to 9.4.21 version. For other supported platforms, upgrade the PostgreSQL database to 9.6.12 version. To update the database, perform the steps listed in the readme file from the download page.
This service pack provides support for NetIQ Self Service Password Reset You can update to this version by downloading it from the download page.
This service pack provides support for NetIQ One SSO Provider 6.2.1. You can update to this version by downloading it from the download page.
NOTE:This section applies only if Identity Reporting is installed:
separately on a different server than the server hosting Identity Applications.
in a Standard edition.
Perform the following actions to update Azul Zulu OpenJDK 1.8.0_192 for Identity Reporting:
Stop the Tomcat service and all Java processes.
Back up all the files from the location where Reporting is installed:
Linux: /opt/netiq/idm/apps/IDMReporting/jre
Windows: C:\NetIQ\idm\apps\IDMReporting\jre
Download and extract the file from the download site.
Depending on your platform, navigate to the following directory:
Linux: \cd-image\Patch\java\Linux\jre
Windows: \cd-image\Patch\java\Windows\jre
Copy all the files to the install directory mentioned in step 2.
Restart the Tomcat service.
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