4.42 PhoneDeregistrations

Use this Knowledge Script to monitor phone deregistrations on a Unified Communications Manager and to maintain a history of phone deregistrations in the CiscoCM supplemental database. This script raises an event if the number or percentage of lost phones exceeds the threshold you set. You determine how long a phone must be deregistered before it is considered “lost.” In addition, you determine whether to group the events by cluster, device pool, location, or partition.

Unified Communications Manager reports a phone as deregistered even after that phone has been deleted from Communications Manager configuration, unplugged, and moved to a different cluster. As long as Unified Communications Manager indicates the phone is deregistered, AppManager continues to raise an event that identifies the deregistered phone. When Unified Communications Manager stops reporting the phone as deregistered, three days after the phone has been deleted, AppManager stops raising a “deregistered” event.

4.42.1 Prerequisites

For more information, see Section 4.47.1, Understanding the CiscoCM Supplemental Database.

4.42.2 Resource Object


4.42.3 Default Schedule

By default, this script runs every five minutes.

4.42.4 Setting Parameter Values

Set the following parameters as needed


How to Set It

General Settings

Job Failure Notification

Event severity when job fails

Set the event severity level, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of the failure of the PhoneDeregistrations job. The default is 5.

Event Notification

Raise event if lost phones in group exceed threshold?

Select Yes to raise an event if the number or percentage of lost phones in a group exceeds the threshold you set. The default is Yes.

Use Select event grouping to select how to group the lost phones.

Use Maximum time phone deregistered before counted as lost to determine how long a phone must be deregistered before it is considered lost.

Select event grouping

Select whether to group lost phones by Cluster, Device Pool, Location, or Partition. AppManager raises an event based on whether the number of lost phones in each group exceeds the threshold you set.

For example, you set Maximum number of lost phones in the group to 5, you set Select event grouping to Device Pool, and you have three device pools. If AppManager detects six lost phones in the first pool, two in the second, and seven in the third, it will raise two events: one for the six lost phones in the first pool and another for the seven lost phones in the third pool. Because you set the threshold to “5,” no event is raised for the lost phones in the second pool.

The default is Cluster.

Maximum time phone deregistered before counted as lost

Specify the number of minutes that must elapse before a deregistered phone can be considered a “lost” phone. The default is 0 minutes.

Accept the default if you want all deregistered phones to be considered lost.

Type of threshold

Select whether you want to raise events based on the Number or Percent of lost phones. The default is Number.

Threshold - Maximum number of lost phones

Use this parameter if you selected Number in Type of threshold.

Specify the maximum number of phones that can be lost before an event is raised. The default is 0.

Threshold - Maximum percent of lost phones

Use this parameter if you selected Percent in Type of threshold.

Specify the maximum percentage of phones that can be lost before an event is raised. The default is 0.

Event severity when lost phones exceed threshold

Set the event severity, from 1 to 40, to indicate the importance of an event in which the number or percentage of lost phones in a group exceeds the threshold you set. The default is 15.

Include lost phone details in event message

Select Yes to include details of the lost phones in the event message. Phone details can include device name, device IP address, directory number, description, name of device pool, time of deregistration, and the Communications Manager from which the phone was deregistered.

The default is Yes.

Maximum number of detail rows to include in event detail

Specify the maximum number of detail rows to include in an event message. Each row contains details for one phone. Rows are sorted in order by most recently lost phone. Specify “0” to include all rows. The default is 20.

This parameter is applicable only if you selected Yes for Include lost phone details in event message.