Migrating Database From MySQL to PostgreSQL

1.0 Introduction

User Application 4.5 does not support the MySQL database. If you have MySQL database installed with User Application 4.0.2 or 4.0.2 A and you plan to upgrade User Application to 4.5, first migrate your MySQL database to PostgreSQL and then upgrade the User Application. This document provides guidelines for migrating the database with the following assumptions:

2.0 Planning Your Migration

Before beginning the migration process, NetIQ recommends that you review the following checklist:


Checklist Items

  1. Ensure that you have installed User Application 4.0.2 or 4.0.2 A depending on your operating system. User Application 4.0.2 A can be installed only on Linux systems.

  1. Ensure that your server meets the hardware and software requirements for the new database. The system requirements for PostgreSQL are same as that of the User Application. For more information, see Prerequisites and Requirements for Installing the User Application and Roles Based Provisioning Module in the Identity Manager Setup Guide.

3.0 Migrating from MySQL to PostgreSQL

This section provides information about migrating data from your MySQL database to PostgreSQL database. Identity Manager provides a script that performs the data migration. When you run the script, the script takes a backup of your current data before migrating the data to PostgreSQL. Before running the script, you must prepare your current database for the migration.

As a first step, you reinstall JBoss with the PostgreSQL database and then install the User Application again to create the tables for JBoss. After the tables are created, migrate the MySQL data to the new PostgreSQL database. The following sections describe the steps that you need to perform to complete the migration:


  • This document uses JBoss as an example of an application server where the User Application is deployed.

  • The commands in the document assume the following installation locations for User Application, JBoss, MySQL, and PostgreSQL:

    • User Application: /opt/novell/idm/ or C:\Novell\idm\

    • JBoss: /opt/novell/idm/jboss/ or C:\Novell\idm\jboss\

    • MySQL: /opt/novell/idm/mysql/ or C:\Novell\idm\mysql\

    • PostgreSQL: /opt/novell/idm/Postgres/ or C:\Novell\idm\Postgres\

3.1 Reinstalling JBoss and PostgreSQL

In this section, you will reinstall JBoss as your application server and PostgreSQL as the database program.


Before beginning the installation process, you must review the considerations for installing JBoss and PostgreSQL from Installing the User Application and Roles Based Provisioning Module in the Identity Manager Setup Guide.

Installation Procedure
  1. Stop JBoss.

    Linux: Run the /etc/init.d/jboss_init stop command.

    Windows: Navigate to C:\Novell\idm and run the stop-jboss.bat command.

  2. Stop the MySQL database.

    Linux: Run the /etc/init.d/mysql stop command.

    Windows: Manually stop the MySQL service.

  3. Rename your User Application installation directory by completing the following steps:

    1. Navigate to the installation directory.

      For example, if you installed the User Application in the default installation directory, enter one of the following commands:

      Linux: cd /opt/novell

      Windows: cd C:\Novell\idm

    2. Rename the installation directory.

      Linux: Run the following command:

      mv <User Application installation directory> <idm_mysql>

      For example, if you installed the User Application in idm directory, enter the following command:

      mv <idm> <idm_mysql>

      Windows: On Windows, perform the following actions:

      1. (Optional) Terminate the Identity Manager Java process from the Windows Task Manager.

        NOTE:Sometime the directory is not renamed if the Java process is still running. You are recommended to terminate this process before attempting to rename the directory.

      2. Rename the directory manually.

      NOTE:Do not modify the content of the User Application installation directory as you may need to use this directory as a backup of the current configuration during the subsequent steps.

    This step is needed to reinstall JBoss on the default path of the originally installed User Application without overwriting the contents of this directory.

  4. (Conditional) On Linux, take a backup of JBoss if you have customized it.

    cp /etc/init.d/jboss_init /opt/novell/jboss_init_backup

  5. Reinstall JBoss with PostgreSQL database.

    1. Navigate to the directory containing the JBossPostgreSQL.bin or JBossPostgreSQL.exe file and execute one of the following commands:

      Linux: ./ JBossPostgreSQL.bin

      Windows: JBossPostgreSQL.exe

      For example, cd/dvd_media_path/products/RBPM/ or dvd_media_path\products\RBPM\.

    2. Accept the License Agreement, and then click Next.

    3. To complete the guided process, specify values for the following parameters:

      • To install both JBoss and PostgreSQL, leave the Install set setting as default.

      • For the following parameters, enter the values that were specified during MySQL installation:

        • JBoss parent folder

          Specifies the directory where you want to install the JBoss files.

        • Database name

          Specifies the name of the database. The default value is idmuserappdb.

        • Database admin

          Specifies the idmadmin account, which is a database administrator that can create database tables, views, and other artifacts.

        • Password for admin user

          Specifies the password for the database administrator and the default postgres user.

          This installation program does not support passwords that include a " or $ character.

  6. Review the pre-installation summary.

  7. Start the installation process.

  8. When the installation process completes, click Done.

The installation process installs the database for the User Application and creates an administrative user called idmadmin to own the database. However, the installation does not create the schema in the database for the User Application. Schema information gets added when you install the User Application.

At the end of the process, the installation program starts the database instance. The instance must be running when you install the User Application. For more information, see Section 3.2, Reinstalling the User Application.

3.2 Reinstalling the User Application

In this section, you will reinstall the User Application to create the tables for JBoss. The JBoss instance must be running when you install the User Application.

Note that the procedures for reinstalling the User Application 4.0.2 and 4.0.2 A are different. Depending on your currently installed version and operating system, see one of the following sections:

Reinstalling the User Application 4.0.2


Before beginning the installation process, you must review the considerations for installing the User Application on JBoss from Installing on a JBoss Application Server in the Identity Manager Setup Guide.

Installation Procedure

This section explains how to install the User Application by using the installation wizard. The following considerations apply to this process:

  • You must use the same Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version to relaunch the installation program that you used to install User Application 4.0.2.

  • The installation program does not save the values that you enter as you progress through the windows in the wizard. If you click Previous to return to an earlier page, you must re-enter the configuration values.

  • (Conditional) On Linux, the installation program creates the novlua user account and sets the permissions in the JBoss files to this user. The jboss_init script uses this user account to run JBoss.

NOTE:For information about the detailed considerations, NetIQ recommends that you review Installing the User Application on an Application Server in the Identity Manager Setup Guide.

To install the User Application with the installation wizard:

  1. Install the User Application.

    1. Navigate to the directory containing the User Application installation files and run one of the following commands:

      Linux: /opt/novell/idm/jre/bin/java -jar IdmUserApp.jar

      For example, cd /dvd_media_path/products/RBPM/user_app_install

      Windows: C:\Novell\idm\jre\bin\java.exe -jar IdmUserApp.jar

      For example, dvd_media_path\products\RBPM\user_app_install\

      NOTE:When you run the installation program from the installation directory, it does not prompt you to specify the location of the WAR files as you progress through the installation.

    2. Accept the License Agreement, and then click Next.

    3. Complete the installation process by entering the values for the given parameters.

      • Leave the default setting as JBoss in the Application Server Platform page.

      • In the Install Folder window, specify the folder where you want to place the installation files.

      • In the Database Platform page, specify PostgreSQL as the platform of the User Application database.

      • In the Database Host and Port page, specify the hostname or IP address of the server hosting the User Application database.

      • For Port, specify the number of the listener port for the database.

        For a cluster, you must specify the same port for each member of the cluster.

      • In the Database Username and Password page, idmuserappdb is automatically populated as the database name.

        If you used a different name for the database when User Application was installed with MySQL, specify the same name in this page.

        • Specify the name for the database user account to use with the User Application and the password associated with the user account.

          In a cluster environment, you must use the same user account and password for each member in the cluster.

        • Specify the JAR file for the database platform. Browse to and choose the database driver JAR file as /opt/novell/idm/Postgres/postgresql-8.4-701.jdbc4.jar or C:\Novell\idm\Postgres\postgresql-8.4-701.jdbc4.jar.

          The database vendor provides the driver JAR file, which represents the Thin Client JAR for the database server. For example, for PostgreSQL, specify postgresql-8.4-701.jdbc4.jar, by default in the novell\idm\Postgres or C:\Novell\idm\Postgres directory. NetIQ does not support driver JAR files from third-party vendors.

        • For a cluster, you must specify the same database name or SID for each member in the cluster.

        NOTE:The version of the database driver jar file might differ if you are not using the convenience installer. NetIQ recommends that you use the updated jar file to ensure continued functionality.

      • (Optional) In the Database Administrator page, specify the name and password for the database administrator.

        This field automatically lists the same user account and password that you specified in the Database Username and Password page. To use that account, do not make any changes.

      • To create the database tables as part of the installation process, select Create Tables Now in the Create Database Tables page.

      • Specify New Database in the New or Existing Database page.

        This will create the schema that you require to perform the migration.

      • To verify that the User Application can connect to the specified database, click Test Database Connection.

        NOTE:This step enables the installer to connect to the database for creating tables directly. You can continue installation if the database connection fails. However, after installation, you must manually create the tables and connect to the database.

      • In the Java Install page, specify the path to the JRE file used to launch the installation program.

      • In the JBoss Configuration page, specify the path to the installation files for JBoss.

      • In the IDM Configuration page, specify the settings for configuring JBoss as default or all.

        • default specifies that this installation is on a single node that is not part of a cluster. If you select this option and decide later than you need a cluster, you must reinstall the User Application.

        • all specifies that this installation is on a single node that is not part of a cluster. If you select this option and decide later than you need a cluster, you must reinstall the User Application.

      • For Application Context, specify a name that represents the application server configuration, the application WAR file, and the name in the URL context.

        The installation script creates a server configuration, then names the configuration according to the name that you created while installing JBoss. For example, IDMProv.

        IMPORTANT:You must make a note of the specified Application Context. Use this application name in the URL when you will start the User Application from a browser.

      • (Optional) When installing the provisioning WAR file on a node in a cluster, you must also specify the Workflow Engine ID. The engine ID cannot exceed 32 characters. For more information about workflow engine IDs, see the section on configuring workflows for clustering in the User Application Administration Guide.

      • (Optional) To send log events to an auditing server, specify the type(s) of logging that you want to enable and where you want to send the log events for auditing.

        For more information about setting up logging, see the User Application Administration Guide.

      • In the Security - Master Key page, select Yes if you are using a cluster setup. For non-cluster setup, select No.


        • The User Application uses the master key to access encrypted data.

        • You must complete these steps after installing the first instance of the User Application in a cluster. Every instance of the User Application in a cluster must use the same master key. For more information, see Using the Same Master Key for Each User Application in the Cluster in the Identity Manager Setup Guide.

        • Complete these steps if you are moving your installation from a staging system to a production system and want to keep access to the database you used with the staging system.

        • Complete these steps also if you are restoring your User Application and you want to access the encrypted data stored by your previous version of the User Application.

        • By default, the installation procedure writes the encrypted master key to the master-key.txt file in the installation directory.

        • If you select Yes, import an existing master key from the renamed Identity Manager directory.

        • Copy the content from the master-key.txt and paste it in the Import Master Key page.

          Linux: Copy the output of the following command and paste it in the Import Master Key page.

          cat /opt/novell/idm_mysql/master-key.txt

          Windows: C:\Novell\idm_mysql/master-key.txt

      • To configure the User Application settings after the installation, click Configure Later in the Configure IDM page.


        • If you click Cancel, the installer takes you back to the Application Server Connection page.

        • To edit the settings after the installation, run the configupdate.sh or configupdate.bat file located in the installation subdirectory on your platform. Remember that in a cluster, the settings in this file must be identical for all members of the cluster.

    4. Click OK, then click Next.

  2. In the Pre-Installation Summary window, click Install.

  3. (Optional) Review the installation log files. For results of the basic installation, see the Identity_Manager_User_Application_InstallLog.log file.

  4. Click Next and then click Done.

The installation creates the PostgreSQL schema without creating the tables for JBoss in the PostgreSQL database. To create the tables for JBoss, proceed to Section 3.3, Creating and Verifying the Tables for JBoss.

Reinstalling the User Application 4.0.2 A

NOTE:This section is only applicable to Linux.

Identity Manager includes User Application 4.0.2 A installation files in the Home and Provisioning Dashboard Enhancement Pack. This software update is called Home and Provisioning Dashboard Enhancement Pack because this package includes the files for installing the Home and Provisioning Dashboard functionality in addition to the software for updating to User Application 4.0.2 A.

This section describes the steps for installing User Application 4.0.2 A on Linux.


NetIQ recommends that you perform the steps before starting the installation:

Preparing Your Environment

After installing all system requirements, complete the following steps to prepare your environment:

  1. Back up your eDirectory Identity Vault. For information about backing up eDirectory, see Backing Up and Restoring eDirectory in the eDirectory Administration Guide.

  2. In Designer, back up and export your Designer project. For information about exporting Designer projects, see Exporting a Project in the Identity Manager Designer Administration Guide.

  3. (Conditional) If using virtual machines to host Identity Manager components, create snapshots of all the virtual machines you use. Refer to the documentation specific to your virtualization software for instructions.

  4. Download the installation package: IDM-HPD-402A.zip.

Now you are ready to install User Application 4.0.2 A. For installation instructions, proceed to Installing Identity Manager Home Using the Updater Utility.

Installing Identity Manager Home Using the Updater Utility

When installing User Application 4.0.2 A, you must use the Updater utility (IdmHPD.bin) to automatically install and configure the application in your Identity Manager environment.

The Updater utility includes the following files:

  • IdmHPD.bin

  • hpd-conf-runtime-4.0.2A.zip

WARNING:The installation process assumes that you used the default User Application path and context for JBoss: /opt/novell/idm/jboss/server/IDMProv/

If you specified a different path for the User Application, use that path in the installation steps. If you specified a context other than IDMProv, see Installing Identity Manager Home Using a Non-Default Context before continuing with the installation process.

To install User Application 4.0.2 A:

  1. Download the Updater files to your User Application server.

  2. Stop JBoss.

  3. At a command prompt, navigate to the directory where you downloaded the Updater files and enter the following command:


    NOTE:Use the chmod command to change the permissions on the IdmHPD.bin file to allow you to execute the file as a program.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Review the license agreement, then click Next.

  6. Specify the location of the hpd-conf-runtime-4.0.2A.zip file and click Next.

  7. Specify User Application is installed in your environment and click Next.

    If User Application and Identity Reporting Module are installed in your environment, then select both components.

  8. Specify the location of the install.properties file on your User Application server and click Next.

  9. (Conditional) If you do not have your User Application install.properties file, clear Load Properties, click Next, and specify the configuration information for your installation on the subsequent windows.

  10. Confirm the default backup directory or specify a different backup directory to use, then click Next.

  11. Click Install, then click Done when finished.

Recreating the PostgreSQL Database

You need to recreate the database because the schema created as part of User Application 4.0.2 installation will not work with the User Application 4.0.2 A.

  1. Log in to the PostgreSQL database by using PgAdmin tool with username as postgres and the same password that was specified during PostgresSQL installation.

    NOTE:This procedure assumes that you specified idmuserappdb when User Application was installed with MySQL.

  2. Right-click idmuserappdb and select Delete/drop from the list.

    This will delete the database from the server.

  3. Right-click Databases and select New Database from the list.

  4. Specify the same name for the database that you deleted in Step 2 (idmuserappdb).

  5. From the drop-down list, select idmadmin as the owner of the database.

  6. Click OK.

Creating the User Application Schema

After recreating the PostgreSQL database, create the User Application schema by running the following command:

/opt/novell/idm/jre/bin/java -Xms256m -Xmx256m  -Dwar.context.name=IDMProv  -jar /opt/novell/idm/liquibase.jar --databaseClass=liquibase.database.core.PostgresDatabase  --driver=org.postgresql.Driver  --classpath=/opt/novell/idm/Postgres/postgresql-8.4-701.jdbc4.jar:/opt/novell/idm/jboss/server/IDMProv/deploy/IDMProv.war --changeLogFile=DatabaseChangeLog.xml  --url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:port/db_name" --contexts="prov,newdb" --logLevel=info --logFile=/opt/novell/idm/db.out --username=******** --password=******** update

NOTE:Ensure that you use the same Java version that was used for installing User Application 4.0.2 A.

Now you must create the tables for JBoss in the PostgreSQL database. For doing this, proceed to Section 3.3, Creating and Verifying the Tables for JBoss.

3.3 Creating and Verifying the Tables for JBoss

After creating the PostgreSQL schema, you need to create the tables for JBoss in the PostgreSQL database. This requires you to start the JBoss instance and verify that the PostgreSQL database schema includes the tables for JBoss. Perform the following steps:

  1. Start JBoss by running one of the following commands:

    Linux: /etc/init.d/jboss_init start

    Windows: Navigate to C:\Novell\idm and execute the start-jboss.bat command.

  2. Verify that the PostgreSQL database schema includes the database tables (jbm) for JBoss.

    1. Browse to /opt/novell/idm/jboss/server/IDMProv/log/jboss.log or C:\Novell\idm\jboss\server\IDMProv\log\server.log and check the contents of the log file. Alternatively, check the command prompt console.

    2. Ignore the errors and wait for a few minutes until the following entries appears in the log file:

      [ServerImpl] JBoss (Microcontainer) [5.1.0.GA (build: SVNTag=JBoss_5_1_0_GA date=200905221053)] Started in…

      This ensures that the PostgreSQL database schema includes jbm tables.

  3. Stop JBoss by running one of the following commands:

    Linux: /etc/init.d/jboss_init stop

    Windows: Navigate to C:\Novell\idm and execute the stop-jboss.bat command.

After verifying that the PostgreSQL database schema includes jbm tables, you can start migrating the MySQL data to the new PostgreSQL database. For more information, see Section 3.4, Migrating the Data.

3.4 Migrating the Data

After verifying that the PostgreSQL server has the tables for JBoss, you can start migrating the data by executing the migration script (migration_script.sh or migration_script.bat) from the IDM45_UA_MySQL2PostgreSQL.zip file.

NOTE:Migration of data between remote database servers is supported only on Windows.


  • Download the IDM45_UA_MySQL2PostgreSQL.zip file from the NetIQ downloads website.

  • Extract the contents of the zipped file to a directory on your server.

  • (Conditional) On Windows, install a Sed client (Gnuwin32). For example: sed-4.2.1-setup.

  • (Conditional) On Windows, point the system environment PATH variable to the bin directory of the Sed client located at C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin.

    For example:

    Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin;
  • (Conditional) On Windows, point the system environment PATH variable to the MySQL and PostgreSQL client libraries.

    If your databases are hosted on a remote server, first copy the client libraries from the remote server to the local host and then point the system environment PATH variable to the libraries.

    For example:

    Path=C:\Novell\idm\Postgres\bin;<local file system path where the library is copied\My-sql\bin;>
  • (Conditional) On Windows, if MySQL database is installed on a remote server, ensure the following prerequisites are met: at the peer host has sufficient rights to access the database.

    For example:

    GRANT ALL ON <databasename>.* TO <dbusername>@'<Peer IP/host>' IDENTIFIED BY '<dbuserpassword>';
  • (Conditional) On Windows, if the PostgreSQL database is installed on a remote server, ensure that the following information is included for the peer host in the C:\Novell\idm\Postgres\data\pg_hba.conf file to access the database.

    host all all <PeerIP>/32 md5
  • (Conditional) If you are running the migration script on Windows 2003 server, ensure that PowerShell 1.0 or later is installed on the server.

Migration Procedure

Migrating the data requires you to start your MySQL database, run the migration utility, rename the User Application installation directory, and modify some of files contained in this directory. The following procedure describes these steps:

  1. (Conditional) Copy the MySQL database from the renamed User Application directory to the default directory.

    Linux: cp -a /opt/novell/idm_mysql/mysql /opt/novell/idm/mysql

    Windows: Copy the database from C:\Novell\idm\idm_mysql\mysql to C:\Novell\idm\idm\mysql

    You renamed this directory during JBoss and PostgreSQL installation. For more information, see Section 3.1, Reinstalling JBoss and PostgreSQL.

    You need to run this step only if MySQL is installed at any level under /opt/novell/idm/ or C:\Novell\idm\. However, this step is not required if you installed MySQL in a different location. For example, /usr/bin/mysql/ or C:\Program Files\MySQL.

    NOTE:Alternatively, you can move the database instead of copying it. However, moving a database does not leave the idm_mysql directory as a valid backup.

  2. Start MySQL without modifying the configuration files.

    Linux: Run the /etc/init.d/mysql start command.

    Windows: Manually start the Windows MySQL service.

  3. Run JBoss for creating the tables for Java Management Extensions (JMX).

    Linux: /etc/init.d/jboss_init start

    Windows: Navigate to C:\Novell\idm\ and run the start-jboss.bat command.

  4. Stop JBoss after the tables are created.

    Linux: Run the /etc/init.d/jboss_init stop command.

    Windows: Navigate to C:\Novell\idm\ and run the stop-jboss.bat command.

  5. Migrate the existing data to the new database by performing the following actions:

    1. (Conditional) On Linux, change the permissions on the migration utility by running the following command:

      chmod +x migration_script.sh

    2. (Conditional) On Linux, edit the script and provide the same database name in dbname that was specified during User Application installation.

    3. Run the migration utility.

      • User Application 4.0.2: Perform one of the following actions:

        Linux: Run the ./migration_script.sh script.

        Windows: Open the command prompt and run migration_script.bat.

      • User Application 4.0.2 A: Enter the following command:

        ./migration_script.sh 22

      In the prompt that displays, specify Yes to run the migration utility.

    4. Specify the values for the parameters:

      Linux: Specify the values for the following parameters:

      • MySql username

      • MySql password

      • Postgres password

      NOTE:Copying data from a remote database server is not supported on Linux.

      Windows: Specify the values for the following parameters:

      • MySql host

      • MySql username

      • MySql password

      • MySql Database name

      • Postgres host

      • Postgres password

      • Postgres Database name

    NOTE:Ensure that running the SET, INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE statements do not report any errors.

  6. (Conditional) Unintsall MySQL.

    1. Stop MySQL.

      Linux: Run the /etc/init.d/mysql stop command.

      Windows: Manually stop the Windows MySQL service.

    2. Unintsall MySQL.

      Refer to the vendor documentation for steps to uninstall MySQL.

  7. Depending on how User Application is configured in your environment, copy the following files from the renamed User Application installation directory to the original installation directory:

    1. Copy the configuration files:

      Linux: Run the following command:

      cp -b /opt/novell/idm_mysql/jboss/server/IDMProv/conf/sys-configuration-xmldata.xml /opt/novell/idm/jboss/server/IDMProv/conf/

      Windows: Copy the file from C:\Novell\idm_mysql\jboss\server\IDMProv\conf\sys-configuration-xmldata.xml to C:\Novell\idm\jboss\server\IDMProv\conf

    2. (Conditional) If you are running the migration utility on User Application 4.0.2, copy IDMProv.war.

      Linux: Run the following command:

      cp -b /opt/novell/idm_mysql/jboss/server/IDMProv/deploy/IDMProv.war /opt/novell/idm/jboss/server/IDMProv/deploy/

      Windows: Copy C:\Novell\idm_mysql\jboss\server\IDMProv\deploy\IDMProv.war to C:\Novell\idm\jboss\server\IDMProv\deploy\.

    3. (Conditional) If you have customized the User Application, copy the customized files.

      Linux: Run the following command:

      cp -b /opt/novell/idm_mysql/jboss/server/IDMProv/conf/idmuserapp_logging.xml /opt/novell/idm/jboss/server/IDMProv/conf/

      Windows: Copy C:\Novell\idm_mysql\jboss\server\IDMProv\conf\idmuserapp_logging.xml to C:\Novell\idm\jboss\server\IDMProv\conf\.

    4. Copy the certificates.

      Linux: Run the following command:

      cp -b /opt/novell/idm_mysql/jre/lib/security/cacerts /opt/novell/idm/jre/lib/security/

      Windows: Copy the certificates from C:\Novell\idm_mysql\jre\lib\security\cacerts to C:\Novell\idm\jre\lib\security.

    5. (Conditional) If you have customized any files, copy the customized files.

      Linux: Copy the files from /opt/novell/idm_mysql to /opt/novell/idm.

      Windows: Copy the files from C:\Novell\idm_mysql to C:\Novell\idm.

    6. (Conditional) If you are running the migration utility on User Application 4.0.2 A, copy the osp.jks file by using the following command:

      cp /opt/novell/idm_mysql/jboss/server/IDMProv/conf/osp.jks /opt/novell/idm/jboss/server/IDMProv/conf/
    7. (Conditional) If you are running the migration utility on User Application 4.0.2 A, copy the Identity Manager Home configuration file by using the following command:

      cp /opt/novell/idm_mysql/jboss/server/IDMProv/conf/aquamarine.conf /opt/novell/idm/jboss/server/IDMProv/conf/
  8. Verify that the values are correctly populated in the configuration utility from the aquamarine.conf file.

    1. Navigate to the configuration update utility located by default in the installation subdirectory of the User Application.

    2. At a command prompt, launch the configuration update utility by running one of the following commands:

      Linux: sh configupdate.sh

      Windows: configupdate.bat

    3. Check the values for the settings in the utility.

    4. Close the utility.

  9. Navigate to the /opt/novell/idm or C:\Novell\idm directory and update the liquibase data with the User Application context, username, and password in the following scripts and then run the scripts:

    Linux: clear-checksums.sh and update-context.sh

    Windows: clear-checksums.bat and update-context.bat

  10. (Conditional) On Linux, check that the new and old jboss_init files are same by running the following command:

    diff /etc/init.d/jboss_init /opt/novell/idm_mysql/jboss_init

  11. Delete the MySQL directory.

    Linux: Run the following command:

    rm -r /opt/novell/idm_mysql 

    Windows: Move or delete C:\Novell\idm_mysql.

    Before deleting the directory, ensure that there are no files in the directory. Alternatively, you can choose to keep the directory as a backup for future use.

  12. Start JBoss.

    Linux: service jboss_init start

    Windows: Navigate to C:\Novell\idm\ and execute the start-jboss.bat command.

    NOTE:If JBoss fails to start and reports a Directory Abstraction Layer communication error on User Application 4.0.2, resolve the error by executing the following steps:

    1. Stop JBoss.

    2. Launch the Configuration Update utility.

    3. Click Show Advanced Options, then select Reinitialize the User Application.

    4. Close the utility.

    5. Start JBoss.

This procedure migrates your MySQL database to PostgreSQL. You must test your User Application to ensure it performs as expected before you begin upgrading it to version 4.5. For upgrading to User Application 4.5, see Upgrading the Identity Applications in the Identity Manager Setup Guide.

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