NetIQ Identity Manager Analyzer 4.5

October 2014

NetIQ Identity Manager Analyzer 4.5 provides several enhancements and resolves specific previous issues.

Many of these improvements were made in direct response to suggestions from our customers. We thank you for your time and valuable input. We hope you continue to help us ensure that our products meet all your needs. You can post feedback in the Identity Manager Community Forums, our community Web site that also includes product notifications, blogs, and product user groups.

You can upgrade to Analyzer 4.5 from Analyzer 4.0.1 or later, or perform a new installation. Analyzer 4.5 includes all fixes and features addressed in Analyzer 4.0.2 and later patch releases. For information about what’s new in previous releases, see the “Previous Releases” section in the Identity Manager Documentation Web site.

The documentation for this product and the latest release notes are available on the NetIQ Web site on a page that does not require you to log in. If you have suggestions for documentation improvements, click comment on this topic at the bottom of any page in the HTML version of the documentation posted at the Identity Manager Documentation Web site.

To download this product, see the Identity Manager Product Web site.

1.0 What’s New?

This version of Analyzer does not include any new features.

2.0 System Requirements

For information about prerequisites, computer requirements, installation, upgrade or migration, see Considerations and Prerequisites for Installation in the NetIQ Identity Manager Setup Guide.

2.1 Eclipse Version

Analyzer 4.5 is built on Eclipse Standard 4.3.

2.2 Updates for JREs

Identity Manager 4.5 includes the following JREs versions:

  • JRE version for Identity Manager Framework and Integrated Installers

    • Linux: 1.7.0_65

    • Windows: 1.7.0_65

  • JRE version for Analyzer installer 1.7.0_65

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3.0 Installing Analyzer 4.5

After you purchased Identity Manager 4.5, log in to the Identity Manager Product Web site and follow the link that allows you to download the software. The following files are available:

Table 1 Identity Manager ISO Images






Contains the DVD image for Identity Manager server, Designer, iManager, Analyzer, Identity Reporting Module, and Identity Applications.



Contains the DVD image for Identity Manager server, Designer, iManager, Analyzer, Identity Reporting Module, and Identity Applications.

You can install Analyzer using the product installer or through integrated installation program that bundles the latest versions of all necessary components for Identity Manager. For more information about prerequisites, computer requirements, installation, or upgrade, see Installing Analyzer in the NetIQ Identity Manager Setup Guide.

To download the installation kits, see the NetIQ Downloads Web site.

4.0 Upgrading to Analyzer 4.5

You can upgrade to Analyzer 4.5 from Analyzer 4.0.2 or 4.0.1 using the Analyzer installation program. For the supported upgrade paths for 4.5, see Preparing to Upgrade Identity Manager in the NetIQ Identity Manager Setup Guide.

You cannot use the integrated installation process to upgrade an existing installation of Analyzer. For more information, see Upgrading Identity Manager in the NetIQ Identity Manager Setup Guide.

5.0 Known Issues

NetIQ Corporation strives to ensure our products provide quality solutions for your enterprise software needs. The following issues are currently being researched. If you need further assistance with any issue, please contact Technical Support.

5.1 Adding XULrunner to Analyzer.ini on Linux Platforms

To start the Analyzer, perform the following steps to change the XULRunner mapping:

  1. Navigate to the Analyzer installation directory, then open the Analyzer.ini file in the gedit editor.

  2. Add the following line at the end of the list of the parameters given in the Analyzer.ini file:


    The Analyzer.ini file should read as follows:

  3. Save the Analyzer.ini file and launch Analyzer. (893559)

    NOTE:The recommended version of XULrunner on SLED 11 is On openSUSE 11.4, it is These versions are shipped with the operating systems.

5.2 SAP User Driver Requires Additional Files

To use the SAP user driver, you must install the sapjco.jar library in Analyzer, and install the librfc32.dll and sapjcorfc.dll into the Windows %systemroot% folder (typically C:\windows\system32).

Restart Analyzer after installing these files.

5.3 DB2 Driver Requires Additional Libraries

The Analyzer DB2 driver requires the following two libraries to function properly. You can download these libraries from IBM.


  • db2jcc.jar

5.4 Warning About Modifying Data

Issue: Analyzer does not prevent users from modifying anything in a data set. If a user with appropriate rights to the source application modifies a value, for example a GUID or DN, Analyzer does not attempt to determine if the modification causes a problem when written out to the source application.

Workaround: To avoid causing unintended problems in the source application, users should be careful when modifying data and sending those modifications to the source application.

5.5 Errors When Sending Updated Data to an Application

Issue: When you attempt to push updated data to the source application from Analyzer’s Data Browser (by clicking Save to Application), you might get an error indicating there was a problem with the update operation. However, the Data Browser’s modified data indicators in the data table change to indicate that the updates were successful.

Workaround: If this occurs, the data updates might have been unsuccessful. Re-import the data from the source application to make sure you know the true state of the data before making any other data modifications.

Problems with the update operation occur primarily when adding a value to a multi-valued attribute.

5.6 Importing Does Not Return Data from the Application

The following issues can prevent Analyzer from displaying data set content in the Data Browser view:

SQL Reserved Word Used as a Column Name

Analyzer does not support SQL reserved words as column names for data sets (For example, group or select.) If a column name is an SQL reserved word, no data displays in the Data Browser view. To avoid this, exclude the column (attribute) with a reserved-word name from the data set.

Subscriber Is Disabled for the Selected Connection

Issue: By default, Analyzer’s Subscriber channel is enabled so that you can perform data set queries. However, if a connection profile was synchronized from Designer with the Subscriber channel disabled, it remains disabled for Analyzer. If your data sets do not have any data, confirm that the connection profile’s Subscriber channel is enabled in Analyzer.

Workaround: To do this, right-click the desired connection profile, then select Properties. In the connection profile properties, select IDS Configuration > Parameters > Subscriber Options. Make sure that Disable subscriber is set to No (default).

5.7 Some Characters Cause Problems with Pattern Frequency Analysis

The Pattern Frequency analysis metric does not work properly with data that includes the following characters. If you attempt to do a pattern frequency analysis on a data set that has values that contain any of these characters, the analysis fails and returns an empty result. (379384)




Plus (addition) symbol







Question mark


Pipe symbol


Backslash symbol

( )

Left or right parentheses

[ ]

Left or right bracket

5.8 Unable to Import Connections from Designer

Issue: If connections do not import properly from Designer, the likely problem is that the server configuration associated with the driver set in Designer is incorrect or incomplete. For example, when you create a new driver set in Designer, the default server DN is server.context. If you attempt to import connection information that includes invalid information like this, the import fails. ( 368384)

Workaround: Before importing connection information from Designer, make sure that the server information is valid.

5.9 Matching Analysis Does Not Exclude Deleted Values

If you have deleted values in the Data Browser that have not been updated to the application, the deleted values are still considered when running a Matching Analysis.

5.10 Application Schema Import Fails

Issue: The Identity Vault schema does not support multiple classes with the same name. Some application schemas, such as Notes, do support duplicate class names. If you want to import an application schema that includes duplicate class names, you should first consolidate the duplicate class names into a single class that contains the attributes from all duplicate classes. (403735)

Workaround: If you cannot resolve the duplicate classes in the application schema, you can manually resolve the duplicate class names in Analyzer by doing the following:

WARNING:This procedure is not recommended and can cause inconsistencies in the Identity Vault schema. It should only be used if absolutely necessary.

  1. Open the IDS Trace view (Window > Show View > IDS Trace).

  2. In the Project view, right-click the appropriate connection, then select Refresh Schema.

    This captures the application schema in the IDS Trace. If the IDS Trace does not capture the entire schema, increase the IDS Trace window size by clicking the Preferences icon, then increasing the Maximum lines to retain setting.

  3. Open the Navigator view (Window > Show View > Navigator).

  4. In the Navigator view, expand the appropriate project, then browse to Model > Analyzer.

  5. Double-click the appropriate schema file (*ShimConfig.xml) to open it in an XML editor.

    If there are multiple shim configuration files, you can identify the application associated with each file by opening the file and looking at the contents of the <class-name>, <auth-id>, and <auth-context> tags.

  6. In the XML editor, search for the following elements. If they do not exist, add them to the schema immediately above the closing </shim-config> tag.

  7. In IDS Trace, locate the <NDS> tag, then paste the contents of the <NDS> tag into the <schema-def> tag in the *ShimConfig.xml file.

    Make sure you do not include the <NDS> as part of what you copy and paste into the *ShimConfig.xml.

  8. Search for any duplicate <ClassDef> elements in the schema definition and consolidate all attribute definitions <attr-def> under a single <ClassDef> element.

  9. Save the changes to the schema file (Ctrl+S), then restart Analyzer.

5.11 Matching Is Case Sensitive When Using HSQL

If you are using HSQL as the back end database for Analyzer, matching is case sensitive. If you are using MySQL, the back end database is case insensitive. (437550)

5.12 Integrated Installer Installs Analyzer by Default on Red Hat 6.5 Platform

Analyzer is not supported on Red Hat 6.5.

6.0 Using the Product Evaluation Key

You can try using Analyzer before purchasing the product. For trying the product, enter C064 0010 0000 E203 2CCA evaluation key in the License dialog box after launching Analyzer. The product evaluation key is valid up to 14 days after you start using the product. (728283)

7.0 Contact Information

Our goal is to provide documentation that meets your needs. If you have suggestions for improvements, please email We value your input and look forward to hearing from you.

For detailed contact information, see the Support Contact Information website.

For general corporate and product information, see the NetIQ Corporate website.

For interactive conversations with your peers and NetIQ experts, become an active member of our community. The NetIQ online community provides product information, useful links to helpful resources, blogs, and social media channels.

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