13.10 Transitions

Transitions are used to connect steps. There are several types of transitions:

A transition can have the following attributes:

Different steps have different properties and therefore they are associated with different transition types.

Table 13-2 Steps and Valid Transitions

Step Type

Valid Transitions

  • Decision

  • Conditional

  • Else

  • Manual

  • Unconditional

  • Timeout

  • Alert

  • Command

  • Mail

  • Activity

  • Unconditional

  • Timeout

  • Alert

  • Error

13.10.1 Unconditional Transitions

An unconditional transition must always be used from a start step. Manual, command, activity, and mail steps can also have unconditional transitions. The only parameter for an unconditional transition is the next step.

The transition is carried out when the current step is completed (unless a timeout transition is configured and the timeout period elapses).

To add an unconditional transition:

  1. Access the Sentinel Control Center. For more information, see Step 1 in Section 13.2, Accessing the iTRAC Administration Tools.

  2. Click the iTRAC tab.

  3. In the toolbar, click iTRAC > Template Manager.

  4. Select an existing template, then click View/Edit.

  5. Right-click an existing step, then select Add Transition.

  6. Use the following information to create the unconditional transition:

    Name: Specify a name for the transition that is displayed in the Process Builder.

    Type: Select Unconditional for the transition type.

    Destination: Select the next step in the workflow for the unconditional transition.

    Description: Specify a description for the transition.

  7. Click OK to save the transition.

13.10.2 Conditional Transitions

Select an exit path based on an expression using iTRAC variables set in a manual or command step.

You can add conditional transitions only from a decision step to any other step.

When you create a conditional transition, the conditional expressions can be based on comparing a variable that is populated during the workflow process to a specific value or to another variable populated during the workflow process. Multiple conditional expressions can be combined or nested using the AND and OR operators.

To add a conditional transition:

  1. Access the Sentinel Control Center. For more information, see Step 1 in Section 13.2, Accessing the iTRAC Administration Tools.

  2. Click the iTRAC tab.

  3. Select an existing template, then click View/Edit.

  4. Right-click an existing decision step, then select Add Transition.

  5. Use the following information to create the conditional transition:

    Name: Specify a name for the conditional transition.

    Type: Select Conditional for the transition type.

    Destination: Select the next step in the workflow for the conditional transition.

    Expression: Create an expression for the conditional transition. See Section 13.10.3, Creating an Expression for instructions.

    Description: Specify a description for the conditional transition.

  6. Click OK to save the conditional transition.

13.10.3 Creating an Expression

Each conditional transition contains an expression that defines the condition. Use the following procedure to create a transition:

  1. Verify you have completed Step 2 through Step 4.

  2. Click Set to create the expression.

  3. Click EXP to add the first expression.

    The evaluation expression is an expression that evaluates to True or False during the workflow process.

  4. Use the following information to define the expression:

    Relations: Select how the expression compares the conditional transition:

    • Variables and Variable: Compares a variable to another variable.

    • Variables and Values: Compares a variable to a constant value.

    Attribute: Select a variable from the drop-down list or create a new one if desired.

    Condition: Select a condition from the drop-down list.

    The condition list varies depending on the type of attribute variable chosen.

    • Boolean: The options are:

      • equals

      • not equals

    • Float: The options are:

      • is exactly

      • is not

      • is <

      • is <=

      • is >

      • is >=

    • Integer: The options are:

      • is exactly

      • is not

      • is <

      • is <=

      • is >

      • is >=

    • String: The options are:

      • startsWith

      • endsWith

      • equals

      • equalsIgnorecase

      • matches

      • is empty

      • is not empty

    Value: Either select an existing value or define a new value.

  5. Click OK.

  6. If a second expression is desired, select the root folder

  7. Repeat Step 3 through Step 5 as needed.

  8. To nest expressions or to use the OR operator, click the appropriate operator button, then drag and drop expressions onto that operator.

    By default, all expressions at the root level are separated by AND operators.

  9. When the expression is complete, click OK.

    You can edit or delete an existing expression by using the Edit and Delete buttons in the Expression window.

  10. Continue with Step 5 to finish creating the conditional transition.

13.10.4 Else Transitions

An else transition leads to a path that is taken from a decision step when the criteria for the conditional transitions are not met. This transition only applies to decision steps, and every decision step must have an else transition. The workflow path with the else transition is only followed if none of the criteria for the conditional transitions is met.

You can add else transitions only from a decision step to any other step.

  1. Access the Sentinel Control Center. For more information, see Step 1 in Section 13.2, Accessing the iTRAC Administration Tools.

  2. Click the iTRAC tab.

  3. Select an existing template, then click View/Edit.

  4. Right-click an existing Decision step, then select Add Transition.

  5. Use the following information to create the else transition:

    Name: Specify a name for the else transition.

    Type: Select Else for the transition type.

    Destination: Select the next step in the workflow for the else transition.

    Description: Specify a description for the else transition.

  6. Click OK to save the else transition.

13.10.5 Timeout Transitions

A timeout transition leads to a path that is taken when a user-specified amount of time (minutes, hours, or days) elapses after a base time, which is either step_activated_time or step_accepted_time. Step_activated_time is the time that iTRAC activates this step within the workflow process. Step_accepted_time is the time when a user accepts, or takes ownership, of the worklist item for this step. If the timeout period passes without the step being completed, control moves to the next step.

Timeout transitions can be set for a manual step or a command step. Step_accepted_time is only relevant for manual steps and should not be selected for a command step.

This transition is represented by a red line.

To add a timeout transition:

  1. Access the Sentinel Control Center. For more information, see Step 1 in Section 13.2, Accessing the iTRAC Administration Tools.

  2. Click the iTRAC tab.

  3. Select an existing template, then click View/Edit.

  4. Right-click an existing manual or command step, then select Add Transition.

  5. Use the following information to create the timeout transition:

    Name: Specify a name for the timeout transition.

    Type: Select Timeout for the transition type.

    Destination: Select the next step in the workflow for the timeout transition.

    Timeout Details: Click Set to specify the timeout details:

    • Time: Specify the timeout value.

    • Unit: Select the unit of the timeout value. The options are:

      • Minutes

      • Hours

      • Days

    • Base Time: Select the base time to use with the timeout transition.

      • Step Accepted Time: The time that iTRAC activates this step within the workflow process

      • Step Activated Time: The time when a user accepts, or takes ownership, of the worklist item for this step.

    Description: Specify a description for the timeout transition.

  6. Click OK to save the timeout transition.

13.10.6 Alert Transitions

An alert transition leads to a path that is taken when a user-specified amount of time (minutes, hours, or days) elapses after step_activated_time or step_accepted_time. At this point, the workflow process is usually escalated to a user who can intervene and take action.

Step_activated_time is the time that iTRAC activates this step within the workflow process. Step_accepted_time is the time when a user accepts (or takes ownership) of the worklist item for this step.

If the alert time period passes without the step being completed, the workflow process branches into two active paths. The original step remains active for user intervention. The alert path is also initiated. For example, the alert path might escalate the workflow process to the attention of a supervisor, although the main path is still open and the original owner still has the option to complete the worklist item. Another example is that if a command is taking too long to run, you might want to alert an analyst to investigate the delay or possibly run the command manually.

Alert transitions can be set for a manual step or a command step. Step_accepted_time is only relevant for manual steps and should not be selected for a command step.

This transition is represented by a yellow line.

To add an alert transition:

  1. Access the Sentinel Control Center. For more information, see Step 1 in Section 13.2, Accessing the iTRAC Administration Tools.

  2. Click the iTRAC tab.

  3. Select an existing template, then click View/Edit.

  4. Right-click an existing manual or command step, then select Add Transition.

  5. Use the following information to create the alert transition:

    Name: Specify a name for the alert transition.

    Type: Select Alert for the transition type.

    Destination: Select the next step in the workflow for the alert transition.

    Alert Details: Click Set to specify the alert details:

    • Time: Specify the alert value.

    • Unit: Select the unit of the alert value. The options are:

      • Minutes

      • Hours

      • Days

    • Base Time: Select the base time to use with the alert transition.

      • Step Accepted Time: The time that iTRAC activates this step within the workflow process

      • Step Activated Time: The time when a user accepts, or takes ownership, of the worklist item for this step.

    Description: Specify a description for the alert transition.

  6. Click OK to save the alert transition.

13.10.7 Error Transition

An error transition leads to a path that is taken if an automated step cannot successfully finish. Error transitions can be used for command, mail, and activity steps (for example, if a command step fails to execute).

Error transitions should typically lead to some kind of notification. For example, an error transition might lead to a manual step in which the user is instructed to manually run a process that previously failed.

The error transition is taken only if the iTRAC call to the command, mail, or activity step fails. If there is an internal error with the command script or the mail server fails, this does not satisfy the conditions for an error transition.

To add an error transition:

  1. Access the Sentinel Control Center. For more information, see Step 1 in Section 13.2, Accessing the iTRAC Administration Tools.

  2. Click the iTRAC tab.

  3. Select an existing template, then click View/Edit.

  4. Right-click an existing command, mail, or activity step, then select Add Transition.

  5. Use the following information to create the error transition:

    Name: Specify a name for the error transition.

    Type: Select Error for the transition type.

    Destination: Select the next step in the workflow for the error transition.

    Description: Specify a description for the error transition.

  6. Click OK to save the error transition.

13.10.8 Managing Transitions

After creating a transition, you can edit or delete the transition.

Editing a Transition

  1. Access the Sentinel Control Center. For more information, see Step 1 in Section 13.2, Accessing the iTRAC Administration Tools.

  2. Click the iTRAC tab.

  3. In the toolbar, click iTRAC > Template Manager.

  4. Select an existing template, then click View/Edit.

  5. Double-click an existing transition line.

  6. Edit the transition as needed.

  7. Click OK to save the changes.

Deleting a Transition

  1. Access the Sentinel Control Center. For more information, see Step 1 in Section 13.2, Accessing the iTRAC Administration Tools.

  2. Click the iTRAC tab.

  3. In the toolbar, click iTRAC > Template Manager.

  4. Select an existing template, then click View/Edit.

  5. Right-click an existing step, then select Remove Transition.

  6. Click Yes to confirm the deletions of the transition.