13.4 Template Builder Interface

Figure 13-2 Template Builder Interface

You see the following panes in the Template Builder window:

IMPORTANT:Use caution when editing or deleting an Activity that is already in use.

The following icons are used in the Template Builder to represent the steps:

Table 13-1 Template Builder Icons



Start Step: All workflow templates have a start step.

Decision Step: This step provides different execution paths depending on the value of a variable defined in a previous step.

Mail Step: This step sends a pre-written e-mail.

Manual Step: This step indicates that manual work must be performed, often outside the Sentinel system (For example, telephoning the owner of the affected system or analyzing the results of a scan).

Activity Step: This step is a predefined set of activities.

Command Step: This step executes a command or script on the iTRAC workflow server, which is usually installed in the same place as the Data Access Service (DAS). The output of the command can be stored in a string variable and used as input to a decision step.

End Step: This step signifies the completion of a workflow process.