4.3 Upgrading the Collector Manager and Client Applications

4.3.1 Upgrading the Collector Manager


  1. Log in to the Sentinel Rapid Deployment Collector Manager machine as the root user.

  2. Download the patch installer for Sentinel Rapid Deployment from the Novell Patch Finder.

  3. Copy the downloaded installer file to a temporary directory.

  4. Specify the following command to extract the files in the installer zip package:

    unzip <install_filename>

    Replace <install_filename> with the actual name of the install file.

  5. Change to the directory where you extracted the installer files:

    cd <directory_name>

    Replace <directory_name> with the actual name of the directory where the installer files were extracted.

  6. Stop the Collector Manager services.

    <install_directory>/bin/sentinel.sh stop
  7. Run the service pack installer, then follow the on-screen instructions:


    After the installation, Collector Manager services start automatically.


  1. Log in to the Sentinel Rapid Deployment Collector Manager machine as an admin user.

  2. Download the patch installer for Sentinel Rapid Deployment from the Novell Patch Finder.

  3. Copy the installer file to a temporary directory.

  4. Extract the files in the installer package.

  5. Stop the Collector Manager services.

    <install_directory>\bin\sentinel.bat stop
  6. Navigate to the directory where you extracted the installer files.

  7. Do one of the following to run the installer:

    • Double-click the service_pack.bat file, then follow the on-screen instructions.

    • From a command prompt, run the service_pack.bat file, then follow the on-screen instructions.

    After the installation, Collector Manager services start automatically.

4.3.2 Upgrading the Client Applications


  1. As the root user, log in to the machine where Novell Sentinel Rapid Deployment Client applications are running.

  2. Download the patch installer for Sentinel Rapid Deployment from the Novell Patch Finder.

  3. Copy the downloaded installer package to a temporary directory.

  4. Specify the following command to extract the files in the installer package:

    unzip <install_filename>

    Replace <install_filename> with the actual name of the install file.

  5. Change to the directory where you extracted the installer files:

    cd <directory_name>

    Replace <directory_name> with the actual name of the directory where the files are extracted.

  6. Run the installer, then follow the on-screen instructions:



  1. Log in as an administrator to the machine where Novell Sentinel Rapid Deployment Client applications are running.

  2. Download the patch installer for Sentinel Rapid Deployment from the Novell Patch Finder.

  3. Copy the downloaded installer file to a temporary directory.

  4. Extract the files in the installer package.

  5. Navigate to the directory where you extracted the installer files.

  6. Do one of the following to run the installer:

    • Double-click the service_pack.bat file, then follow the on-screen instructions.

    • From the command prompt, run the service_pack.bat file, then follow the on-screen instructions.