8.2 Installation

The following procedures must be followed for Crystal Reports Server to work with the Sentinel Control Center:

8.2.1 Pre-Install Crystal Reports Server XI R2

  1. If the Sentinel Database is not on the same machine as the Crystal Reports Server, then you must install the Oracle Client software on the Crystal Reports Server machine. This additional step is not needed if the Sentinel Database is on the same machine as the Crystal Reports Server because in this case the required Oracle software is already installed during the Oracle database installation.

  2. Login to the Crystal Reports Server machine as the root user

  3. Create bobje group

    groupadd bobje
  4. Create Crystal user (the home directory in this example is /export/home/crystal, change if needed; the /export/home part of the path must already exist).

    useradd –g bobje –s /bin/bash –d /export/home/crystal –m crystal
  5. Create directory for Crystal Software:

    mkdir –p /opt/crystal_xir2
  6. Change the ownership of the Crystal Software directory (recursively) to crystal/bobje:

    chown -R crystal:bobje /opt/crystal_xir2
  7. You must grant permissions to the crystal user on the $ORACLE_HOME directory using an Access Control List (ACL). Assuming the crystal user is crystal and $ORACLE_HOME is /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_1, the command to perform this is:

    setfacl -m u:crystal:rx -R  /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_1

    To verify that the ACL was set correctly, run the following command and check for “crystal” in the output:

    getfacl  /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_1
  8. Add the crystal user to the oracle group using the following command:

    groupmod -A crystal oinstall

    This enables the crystal user to communicate with the Oracle database and execute Oracle utilities like sqlplus and tnsping.

  9. Change to the crystal user:su - crystal

  10. The ORACLE_HOME environment variable must be set in the crystal user’s environment. To do this, modify the crystal user’s login script to set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the base of the Oracle software. For example, if the crystal user’s shell is bash and the Oracle software is installed in the directory /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_1, then open the file ~crystal/.bash_profile (.profile on SLES) and add the following line to the end of the file:

    export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_1
  11. The LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable in the crystal user’s environment must contain the path to the Oracle software libraries. To do this, modify the crystal user’s login script to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to include the Oracle software libraries. For example, if the crystal user’s shell is bash, then open the file ~crystal/.bash_profile and add the following line to the end of the file (below where the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set):

  12. The PATH environment variable in the crystal user’s environment must contain the path to the Oracle software executables. To do this modify the crystal user's script to set the PATH environment variable to include the Oracle software executables. For example if the crystal user's shell is bash, then open the file ~crystal/.bash_profile and add the following line to the end of the file.

    export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
  13. An entry must be added to the Oracle tnsnames.ora file with the Service Name esecuritydb that points to the Sentinel Database. To do this on the Crystal Reports Server machine:

    1. Log in as the oracle user.

    2. Change directories to $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin

    3. Make a backup of the file tnsnames.ora.

    4. Open the file tnsnames.ora for editing.

    5. If the Sentinel Database is on the Crystal Reports Server machine, then there should already be an entry in the tnsnames.ora file to the Sentinel Database. For example, if the Sentinel Database is named ESEC, then an entry similar to the following will exist:

      ESEC =
       (ADDRESS_LIST =
        (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = dev-linux02)(PORT = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
        (SID = ESEC)
    6. If the Sentinel Database is not on the Crystal Reports Server machine, open the tnsnames.ora file on the Sentinel Database machine to find the entry described above.

    7. Make a copy of that entire entry and paste it at the bottom of the tnsnames.ora file on the Crystal Reports Server machine. The Service Name part of the entry must be renamed to esecuritydb. For example, when the entry above is copied and renamed properly, it will look like:

      esecuritydb =
       (ADDRESS_LIST =
        (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = dev-linux02)(PORT = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
        (SID = ESEC)
    8. Make sure the HOST part of the entry is correct (for example, make sure it is not set to localhost if the Crystal Reports Server and Sentinel Database are on different machines).

    9. Save the changes to the tnsnames.ora file.

    10. Execute the following command to check that the esecuritydb Service Name is configured properly:

      tnsping esecuritydb
    11. After the command is executed, you will get a message saying the connection is OK.

8.2.2 Installing Crystal Reports Server XIR2

The Crystal Reports Server installer consists of two .iso files. During the installation, you will be prompted for the location of the second disk.

To Install Crystal Reports Server:

  1. Log in as crystal user.

  2. Change directories into disk1 of the Crystal installer.

  3. Execute:

  4. Select Language: English

  5. Select New Installation.

  6. Read and accept License Agreement.

  7. Provide Product Keycode.

  8. Provide install directory:

  9. Select: User install.

  10. Select: New Install.

  11. Select: Install MySQL unless you plan to install the Crystal CMS database into an existing database.

  12. Specify configuration information for MySQL:

    1. Use default port 3306

    2. Admin password

  13. Specify more configuration information for MySQL:

    1. Default DB Name: BOE115

    2. User id: mysqladm

    3. Password

  14. Specify more configuration information for MySQL:

    1. Local Name Server: <local machine’s hostname>

    2. Default CMS Port Number: 6400

  15. Select: Install Tomcat

  16. Specify Tomcat configuration information:

    1. Default Receive HTTP requests port: 8080

    2. Default Redirect jsp requests port: 8443

    3. Default Shutdown Hook port: 8005

  17. Press Enter to confirm the default directory.

  18. Press Enter to start installation.

  19. Note the link to the CMS server, which will probably be something similar to this:


NOTE:After Crystal Reports Server is installed, you must download and install the Sentinel Core Solution Pack, the Sentinel Core Solution Pack includes both report templates and files necessary to patch Crystal. The installation instructions are included in the Solution Pack documentation.on the Sentinel Content Web site.

8.2.3 Patching Crystal Reports

To view Crystal Reports from the Analysis tab of the Sentinel Control Center and to publish the reports from Solution Manager, several Crystal Enterprise files need to be updated to make them compatible with the browser.

The following table lists the Crystal Reports Enterprise files and describes the purpose of each file. The Crystal Reports Enterprise files can be extracted from the crystal_patch.zip file, which is available as an attachment in the Sentinel Core Solution Pack under the Global Setup control.

Table 8-1 Crystal Enterprise Files

File name




Displays a pop-up calendar when you are selecting a date as a parameter to a report.


Displays the Loading... message when the reports are loading.


Displays the window that allows you to export a report for saving or for printing.


File used by Sentinel when exporting a report for saving or for printing.


File used by Sentinel Control Center to establish a connection with Crystal Server and display the report list.


File used to support hyperlinks between reports.


Used to publish reports directly from a Solution Pack to the Crystal server when a control is installed.This file is also included in the SP2 patch distribution.


Used to remove reports directly from the Crystal server when a control is uninstalled.This file is also included in the SP2 patch distribution.

To patch crystal reports server:

NOTE:Ensure that you have read the Sentinel Reports Release Notes before performing this task as there can be updated files, scripts, and additional steps that need to completed.

  1. Log in to the Crystal Reports Server machine as crystal user.

  2. Extract the Crystal Enterprise files from the crystal_patch.zip file to a local directory.

  3. Create the directory structure esec-script/WEB-INF/lib at the following location:

  4. In the patch directory under Sentinel Reports Distribution, copy all *.html and *.js files to the viewer file location, the default location is:

    • Copy all *.html and *.js files to the viewer file location, the default location is:

    • Copy all *.jsp files at:


      NOTE:The publish_report.aspx and delete_report.aspx files are available in the reports_patch\Tomcat directory of the Sentinel 6 SP2 distribution or in the Sentinel Reports distribution.

  5. Set the permissions and ownership for the publish_report.jsp and delete_report.jsp files as following:

    -rwxr-xr-x 1 crystal bobje
  6. Copy all *.jar files:




  7. If Crystal was installed in a non-default location or as system install, modify the String BOBJHome setting in publish_report.jsp and delete_report.jsp files to the Crystal Reports installation path. For example:.

    String BOBJHome = "/opt/crystal_xir2/bobje/enterprise115"

    If Crystal was installed as the designated Crystal user into the default location, no changes should be necessary to this parameter.

  8. Restart the Web Server and the Crystal Reports server.