3.10 Updating the License Key

If you purchase the product after evaluation, follow the procedure given below to update your license key in the system to avoid re-installation.

3.10.1 Unix

  1. As the Sentinel Administrator operating system user, log in to the machine where the DAS component is installed (The default is esecadm).

  2. In the command prompt, change the directory to $ESEC_HOME/bin.

  3. Enter the following command:

    ./softwarekey.s h
  4. Specify number 1 to set your primary key, then press Enter.

3.10.2 Windows

  1. As a user with administrative rights, log in to the machine where the DAS component is installed.

  2. In the command prompt, change directory to %ESEC_HOME%\bin.

  3. Enter the following command:

  4. Specify number 1 to set your primary key, then press Enter.