7.11 Troubleshooting

7.11.1 Sentinel Operations Do Not Complete Successfully When Any of the CDH Components Are Not Running

Issue: When you are performing any Sentinel operations such as creating a tenant, if any of the associated CDH components are not running, the Sentinel operation will not complete successfully. For example, if ZooKeeper is down, Sentinel creates the tenant but it does not create the corresponding namespace and tables in HBase.

Fix: Restart Sentinel once the CDH components are up and running.

7.11.2 Event Visualization Interface May Not Launch Due to Time-Out Error

Issue: If the network latency between SSDM and Elasticsearch nodes is high, the event visualization interface may not launch due to a time-out error.

Fix: Increase the time-out period in Kibana as follows:

  1. Log in to the SSDM server as the novell user.

  2. Open the /opt/novell/sentinel/3rdparty/kibana/config/kibana.yml file.

  3. Set a desired value for the elasticsearch.requestTimeout property in milliseconds.

    For more information, see Kibana documentation.

  4. Restart Kibana:

    rcsentinel restartVA