12.2 Configuring the Web Console

The Web console must connect to the Analytics Database to properly display asset results. Also, you can enable users to launch the Dashboard from the Web console without having to log in again.

12.2.1 Ensuring Web Console Performance

To perform appropriately, the Web console needs access to the Analytics Database. The installation process automatically informs the Web console of the location of the Analytics Dashboard.

To verify or update the database location, go to Your_ID > Settings > Analytics Dashboard in the Web console.

12.2.2 Launching the Dashboard from the Web Console

For Web console users to open the Dashboard without having to log in again, the Web console and Dashboard must be in the same domain. The Web console must also know the Dashboard’s location.

To configure single sign-on:

  1. In the Web console, go to Your_ID > Settings > Dashboard.

  2. Specify the IP address or host name and the port for the Dashboard server.

    NOTE:To support single sign-on between the Web console and the Dashboard, both URLs must use either an IP address or a host name. That is, if you specify a host name for the Dashboard’s Host server, then you must also use a host name in the URL for the Web console. For example, https://testing.company.com:8044/scm and https://testing.company.com:8045/dashboard.