5.0 Uninstalling PlateSpin Recon

The process to uninstall Novell PlateSpin Recon depends on how it is installed. As a general guideline, use the following procedure:

  1. (Conditional) If you deployed the Windows Disk Utilization Counter add-on, you must undeploy it from the target machines.

    For detailed information on how to undeploy Windows Disk Utilization Counter add-on, see Undeploying an Add-On in the NovellĀ® PlateSpinĀ® Recon 3.7.4 User Guide.

  2. In Windows Add or Remove Programs (Start > Settings > Control Panel), remove the PlateSpin Recon Client, PlateSpin Server, and the database (PostgreSQL, MS SQL 2000/2005).

  3. (Conditional) If MS SQL is your PlateSpin Recon database, manually delete the following items:

    • The directory where you installed the PlateSpin Recon 3.7.4 Server database during the PlateSpin Recon Server installation.

    • The database files.

  4. (Conditional) If you remove PostgreSQL in Step 2, manually delete the PlateSpin Recon user from your system:

    1. Right-click My Computer, then click Manage.

      The Computer Management window is displayed.

    2. Navigate to Local Users and Groups > Users.

    3. Right-click the PowerRecon username, then click Delete.

NOTE:Uninstalling the PlateSpin Recon server does not remove the Recon database tables from the database server.