14.4 Package Manager Options

14.4.1 Install and Uninstall Packages

You can install and uninstall packages on the agent or the manager by using one of the following approaches:

Install and Uninstall Packages From Framework Manager

You can install and uninstall packages on the agent or manager from the Framework Manager using the following commands:

Syntax: ./unifi -n pkgman install <agent> <package>

Syntax: ./unifi -n pkgman uninstall <agent> <package>

If you have not mapped your local account to a Framework Manager user (see Modify User: Native Maps), replace the -n option with -u <username> -p <password> options and specify the name and password of a Framework Manager user who has the rights to perform this task.

Replace <agent> with the agent name for the host. To view a list of these names, click Hosts on the home page of the Framework Console.

Replace <package> with the name of the package to install or uninstall. To view a list of package names in the Framework Console, click Hosts, select a host, select to display the packages. The name field contains the package name that is used in this command.

NOTE:You cannot use this command to install or uninstall consoles. It can only be used to install and uninstall modules.

Install and Uninstall Packages From Agent Machine

You can install or uninstall multiple package on the agent or the manager from the respective workstation using the following commands:


  • You must have the admin privileges for the unifi module to execute this command in the local agent machine.

  • The packages that are to be installed must be available in the primary framework manager.

Syntax: ./unifi -n distrib install <package1_name> <package2_name>

Syntax: ./unifi -n distrib uninstall <package1_name> <package2_name>

NOTE:You must not uninstall the packages rexec, strfwd, regclnt, distrib in the agent. Uninstalling any of these packages will affect the functionality.

If you have not mapped your local account to a Framework Manager user (see Modify User: Native Maps), replace the -n option with -u <username> -p <password> options and specify the name and password of a Framework Manager user who has the rights to perform this task.

Replace <package1_name> <package2_name> with the name of the package to install or uninstall. To view a list of package names in the Framework Console, click Hosts, select a host, select to display the packages. The name field contains the package name that is used in this command.

You can also install and uninstall console packages. To install or uninstall console packages, use the following syntax:

Syntax: ./unifi -n distrib install <module_package_name> Console/<console_package_name>

Syntax: ./unifi -n distrib uninstall <module_package_name> Console/<console_package_name>

Replace <module_package_name> with the name of the module package and <console_package_name> with the name of the console package that must be installed or uninstalled.

14.4.2 Upgrade and Rollback Packages


  • You must have the admin privileges for the unifi module to execute this command in the local agent machine.

  • Before upgrading, ensure that the latest version of the package are available in the primary framework manager. For information about configuring the package manager and downloading the packages, see Downloading Packages to a Package Manager

  • Before you rollback packages from 3.2 to any lower version, you must uninstall the Enterprise Credential Vault (prvcrdvlt) and Access Dashboard (userreqdashboard) packages. For information about the commands to uninstall the packages, see Install and Uninstall Packages

You can upgrade and rollback packages on the agent or the manager using the following commands:

Syntax: ./unifi -n distrib update

To rollback the packages to the previous version, run the following command in the agent or the framework manager.

NOTE:When you rollback packages from 3.2 to 3.0.1, first rollback all the packages except distrib and framework (spf) and lastly rollback distrib and framework (spf) package.

Syntax: ./unifi -n distrib rollback

If you have not mapped your local account to a Framework Manager user (see Modify User: Native Maps), replace the -n option with -u <username> -p <password> options and specify the name and password of a Framework Manager user who has the rights to perform this task.