See Network Discovery.
Block-based Transfer Component
A Portability Suite software component, dynamically installed on source workloads to facilitate volume data transfer at the block level. Compare with VSS Block-based Transfer Component; see also File-based Transfer Component.
Capture Image
A Portability Suite job that captures an image of a workload in Flexible Image format with an optional synchronization schedule for updating incremental changes. See also Deploy Image.
See OFX Controller.
Any workload portability operation irrespective of target infrastructure or business purpose (workload-hardware decoupling, virtualization, or volume synchronization). Used interchangeably with the term migration throughout product collateral, the user interface, error messages, and logs.
A Portability Suite peer-to-peer migration job that creates a duplicate of a workload, with a new network identity, on a physical or virtual machine. Compare with Move.
Deploy Image
A Portability Suite job that converts a Flexible Image to a bootable workload on physical hardware or on a virtual machine. See also Capture Image.
See Discover Details.
Discover Details
A Portability Suite job that inventories the details of a supported workload or target machine in preparation for a migration or protection operation. Compare with Network Discovery.
File-based Transfer Component
A Portability Suite software component, dynamically installed on a source workload to facilitate volume data transfer at the file level. See also Block-based Transfer Component, VSS Block-based Transfer Component.
Flexible Image
One of Portability Suite’s three fundamental workload infrastructures along with physical machines and virtualization platforms. A static stored copy of the state of a physical or virtual machine (including volume data and the configuration details of the workload’s hardware profile, operating system, and network identity), captured at a specific point in time. To make a Flexible Image bootable, you convert it to a workload on physical hardware or a virtualization platform. See also Capture Image, Deploy Image, and Import Image.
Flexible Image Server
A machine on which you have installed the Flexible Image Server software. See Flexible Image.
Image-to-physical. A workload portability operation in which the source is a workload’s Flexible Image and the target is a bootable workload on physical hardware.
Image-to-virtual. A workload portability operation in which the source is a workload’s Flexible Images and the target is a bootable workload on a virtualization platform.
Image-to-anything. A workload portability operation in which the source is a workload’s Flexible Image and the target is a bootable workload either on physical hardware or on a virtualization platform.
See Flexible Image.
image server
Import Image
A Portability Suite job that creates a Flexible Image by using either raw volume data or third-party volume archives.
In a workload protection job, any change on the monitored workload’s inventoried volumes that Portability Suite captures for updating the corresponding workload or image replica. See protection.
A collection of the essential parameters of a workload portability, protection, discovery, removal, or related operation that you define, save, schedule, execute, and monitor in the Portability Suite Client.
See PlateSpin Migrate.
Any peer-to-peer workload portability operation in which a physical or virtual workload is copied or moved into another physical or virtual infrastructure.
A Portability Suite peer-to-peer workload migration task that moves a workload to a physical or virtual machine. Compare with Copy.
Network Discovery
A Portability Suite feature, based on standard Windows network browsing functionality, that automatically populates the Portability Suite Client’s Servers view with the names of Windows machines in the neighborhood. Compare with Discover Details.
OFX Controller
Operations Framework Controller. Software component that Portability Suite installs on source and target machines to enable them to communicate with Portability Suite Server and with each other.
Physical-to-image. A workload portability operation in which the source is a physical machine and the target is the workload’s Flexible Image.
Physical-to-physical. A peer-to-peer workload portability operation in which the source is a physical machine and the target is another physical machine on different hardware.
Physical-to-virtual. A peer-to-peer workload portability operation in which the source is a physical machine and the target is virtual machine. P2V or V2V portability is an integral part and a prerequisite for workload protection.
Physical-to-anything. A workload portability operation in which the source is a physical machine and the target is another physical machine (P2P migration), a virtual machine (P2V migration or protection), or a Flexible Image (P2I conversion).
A workload portability or protection operation in which both the source and the target are bootable workloads, either physical or virtual (as opposed to operations in which either the source or the target is a static Flexible Image). P2P, P2V, V2V, and V2P are all peer-to-peer portability operations; I2X and X2I are not.
PlateSpin Migrate
One of the two Portability Suite products, packaged for workload migration operations. See also PlateSpin Protect.
PlateSpin Protect
One of the two Portability Suite products, packaged for workload protection operations. See also PlateSpin Migrate.
Portability Suite Client
The client application you use to interact with the Portability Suite Server, discover source workloads and targets; set up, execute, and monitor jobs; manage license keys; and configure the default behavior of the server.
Portability Suite Network
A named collection of discovered workloads and target machines you work with at any given time. A parameter of all discovery jobs.
Portability Suite Server
The remote runtime execution engine underlying both Portability Suite products (PlateSpin® Migrate and PlateSpin® Protect).
Prepare for Synchronization
A step in Windows workload synchronization operations where the target is a virtual machine in a Server Sync job. Automates the configuration and preliminary booting of the target virtual machine, and registers it as a valid Server Sync target in the Portability Suite Client’s user interface. See Server Sync.
See PlateSpin Protect.
A workload portability operation that creates a VM replica of a source workload and regularly synchronizes the state of the replica with the state of the source workload.
raw volume data
A directory of files that constitute a volume suitable for a Flexible Image.
One of the three kinds of Windows local user groups that define Portability Suite users with specific access permissions: Portability Suite Administrator, Portability Suite Power User, and Portability Suite Operator.
Run Restore
A Portability Suite operation that brings a protected workload’s target virtual machine online.
semi-automated virtualization
A workload virtualization operation in which a workload's target infrastructure is a virtual machine that is treated by Portability Suite as a physical machine. Applies to target virtualization platforms for which Portability Suite provides limited workload portability automation. Compare with X2P.
Server Sync
A workload portability operation that synchronizes the state of a physical or virtual workload (Windows or Linux) with the state of another physical or virtual workload of the same OS profile. In protection jobs (Windows only), can serve as an intermediary stage in situations where the initial replication of the source workload by transferring the entire volume data is difficult, impractical, or impossible.
The origin, or the infrastructure of the origin, of a workload portability and protection operation (such as a physical machine, a virtual machine, or a Flexible Image). Compare with target.
Take Control
The temporary pre-execution environment into which a Windows or Linux workload is booted to facilitate communication and data transfer during a workload portability operation. For Windows workloads, Portability Suite uses Microsoft WinPE; for Linux, it uses a RAM disk.
The outcome, or the infrastructure of the outcome, of a workload portability or protection operation (such as a physical machine, a virtual machine, or a Flexible Image). Compare with source.
Test Restore
A Portability Suite job that creates, powers up, and configures a snapshot of a protected workload’s virtual machine on the target VM host for testing purposes. See also Run Restore.
A Portability Suite job that discards information about a workload from its inventory and removes any controllers installed. See also Discover Details.
Virtual-to-image. A workload portability operation in which the source is a virtual machine and the target is a Flexible Image.
Virtual-to-physical. A peer-to-peer workload portability operation in which the source is a virtual machine and the target is a physical machine.
Virtual-to-virtual. A workload portability operation in which both the source and the target are virtual machines on similar or different virtualization platforms.
Virtual-to-anything. A workload portability operation in which the source is a virtual machine and the target is another virtual machine, a physical machine, or a workload’s Flexible Image.
VSS Block-based Transfer Component
A Portability Suite software component, dynamically installed on Windows source machines to facilitate volume data transfer at the block level by using the Microsoft Volume Snapshot Service (VSS). See also Block-based Transfer Component, File-based Transfer Component.
Any physical or virtual instance of a supported operating system, along with its applications and data.
Anything-to-image. A workload portability operation in which the target is a workload’s Flexible Image and the source is a physical machine or a virtual machine.
Anything-to-physical. A workload portability operation in which the target is a physical machine and the source is another physical machine, a virtual machine, or a workload’s Flexible Image.
Anything-to-virtual. A workload portability operation in which the target is a virtual machine and the source is another virtual machine, a physical machine, or a workload’s Flexible Image.