5.1 About Licenses

PlateSpin Transformation Manager offers full and evaluation license options.

5.1.1 Full License

A full license allows you to plan and execute a workload transformation for each license instance. You purchase workload licenses in blocks from the Customer Center. Each block has a fulfillment window with an activation date that you specify.

You can install the appliance and begin setting up the projects before you need to activate licenses. You do not need a workload license until you start planning a workload transformation. Because transformation planning for a workload consumes a license, you cannot edit imported workloads until you enter a valid license key and licenses are available in an active license block.

5.1.2 Evaluation License

An evaluation license allows you a trial period to work with the your own data in the product. Evaluation mode allows you to use the product with an Evaluation key and 100 workload licenses.

After the Evaluation license expires, any unused licenses cannot be used to begin new workload transformations. You can continue to work in the product with licensed workloads through their entire workflow until the transformations are completed.

You can preserve the data you enter during the evaluation period by entering a Full license key to your evaluation installation. Your existing licensed workloads are not impacted. Consumed licenses do not expire. However, after you add the full license key, all unused evaluation workload licenses are automatically removed.