5.2 Administrative Users

You might need to add a new System Administrator user to the PlateSpin Transformation Manager Server if you forget the initial username and password, or if that initial user is no longer available to manage the server. The new user has the same global privileges as the default System Administrator user that was created for the PlateSpin Transformation Manager Web Interface during the installation.

NOTE:In the Web Interface, the default System Administrator can set up additional users and assign them to the Administrators group. Members of the Administrators group will also have global permissions in the Web Interface.

  1. Log in to the Appliance Management Console as the vaadmin user.

  2. Under PlateSpin Transformation Manager Tools, click Configuration .

  3. On the PlateSpin Transformation Manager Configuration page, select Administrative Users.

  4. Provide the full name, a valid email address that is unique to your PlateSpin Transformation Manager environment, and a password for this user.

  5. Click Submit.