28.3 Configuring Full Migration of a Workload to Amazon Web Services

  1. Launch the PlateSpin Migrate Client.

  2. Discover your source workload. See Section 21.0, Discovering Source Workloads.

  3. Right-click the discovered source workload and click Prepare AWS Target.

  4. Perform the following steps:

    1. To log in to your AWS account for the first time, specify the following:

      • AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key: The two parts of an access key that is a valid set of security credentials required to access AWS account.

      • AWS Region: The geographic area to which your AWS account has access.

      During subsequent logins, these options are automatically populated with the values that you specified during your earlier login.

    2. Click Update Region List to update the supported AWS Regions.

    3. Click Login.

    4. (Conditional) If you are logging in for the first time, the Replication Environment Details dialog displays. Specify the following and then click Save:

      • Linux AMI ID: Specify the ID of the PlateSpin Replication Environment - Linux AMI.

      • Windows AMI ID: Specify the ID of the PlateSpin Replication Environment - Windows or the PlateSpin Replication Environment - Windows(BYOL) AMI depending on whether you to want AWS to activate the OS license or you want to bring your own Microsoft license.

      • Snapshot ID: The snapshot ID of the PRE AMI that you noted down when you created a snapshot from the private instance of AMI. See To create a snapshot using the PRE AMI:.

      • Keypair Name: Specify the name of the key pair associated with the AMI snapshot.

      • Keypair File Path: Specify the location where you have stored the key pair (.pem) file.

    5. (Conditional) If you are logging in for the first time, the Migrate Server Details dialog displays. Specify the Migrate server IP and the credentials to register the target instance with the Migrate server, then click Save.

    6. In the Prepare AWS Target dialog, ensure that the transfer scope is set to Full Migration and do the following:

      1. Select the VPC you want to use.

        The values for the Security Group and Subnet options are automatically populated based on the VPC you select. The Instance Type option is automatically populated based on the source workload. You can select different values based on your requirements.

      2. Specify the host name to register the target with the Migrate server. By default, it displays sourcename_RepEnv.

      3. To configure the Network Interfaces, click Configure:

        1. Based on your requirement, you can add or remove NICs.

        2. Select one of the following options

          • Obtain settings automatically: To enable the network settings to be automatically assigned by a DHCP server, you select this option.

          • Use the following settings: To specify the network settings, select this option. The IP address must be unique within the supported subnet.

      4. The Target Instance Storage section lists all the disks available on the source workload. If you do not want to create a target storage instance same as the source, you can edit the size or the number of disks on the target instance:

        • To add more data disks on the target instance, click Add Disk.

        • To remove an existing data disk, click Remove.

          For every disk that you want to encrypt on the target instance, select the Encrypted option and select the Encryption Key that you want to use to encrypt the disk.

    7. (Optional) Click the settings icon to modify the replication details or the Migrate server details.

    8. Click Prepare.

    9. On completion of the registration job, you are prompted to view the logs. To view the logs, click Yes.

    10. Click Close.

  5. In the PlateSpin Migrate Client, the registered target instance is listed with the name as specified in Step 4.f.b. Drag the source workload to this target to start a migration job.

  6. Configure the required parameters of the job. See Section 27.0, Configuration Essentials.

  7. Run the job.