27.19 Post-Cutover End States for Source and Target Workloads

After a successful cutover, PlateSpin Migrate shuts down or starts the source workload and target workload, depending on the nature of the migration. For example, if the migration goal is to copy the workload, you might want both the source and target workload to be running after cutover. If you are moving a workload, you might want to stop the source workload after cutover and leave the target workload running.

27.19.1 Workload End States Using the Migrate Client

To specify non-default post-cutover end states for your source and target:

  1. In the Jobs view, select the required workload.

  2. In the Job Configuration section of the Migration Job window, click End States.

  3. Configure the appropriate settings:

    • Source Machine End State: Specify whether to shut down the source workload after a successful cutover. For a workload move, the shut down is selected by default.

    • Target Machine End State: Specify whether to power on, power off, or suspend the target workload after a successful cutover.

  4. Click OK.

27.19.2 Workload End States Using the Migrate Web Interface

To specify post-cutover end states for the source and target workloads after a cutover with replication:

  1. On the Workloads page, select the prepared workload that you want to migrate.

  2. Click Run Migration.

  3. On the Workload Commands page, specify the full or incremental replication method.

  4. For Post-Replication Cutover, enable Run cutover after successful replication.

  5. Specify the appropriate run state for the source and target workload by enabling or disabling the following settings:

    • Shut down source after cutover

    • Shut down target after cutover

  6. Click Execute.

    PlateSpin Migrate starts the replication for the workload, executes the cutover, then shuts down the source or target as configured.