27.6 Credentials for Source Workloads and Target Hosts

When you configure a migration job, you can validate the provided credentials and save them for future migration jobs that use the same source and target. If you modify the password on the workload or target host, you must also modify the credentials stored in PlateSpin Migrate.

27.6.1 About Credentials

For a migration job to execute properly, you must provide valid credentials for your source and target. For more information about credentials format, see:

27.6.2 Credentials in Migrate Client

To modify source and target credentials:

  1. In the Jobs view, select the required workload or target.

  2. In the Job Configuration section of the Migration Job window, click Access.

  3. Specify the credentials.

  4. Click OK.

27.6.3 Credentials in Migrate Web Interface

To modify target credentials:

  1. In the Migrate Web Interface, click Targets, then click the target name.

  2. On the Target Details page, click Edit.

  3. On the Edit Target Details page, specify the new user name and password.

  4. Click Save.

To modify source workload credentials:

  1. In the Migrate Web Interface, click Workloads, then click the workload name.

  2. On the Workload Details page, click Edit.

  3. On the Edit Target Workload Details page, go to Migration Settings > Source Credentials.

  4. Specify the new user name and password for the source workload.

  5. Click Save.