5.15 Other Use Cases for Custom PlateSpin Server Settings (Advanced)

Table 5-5 lists configuration keys and values that might address various environmental or functional issues.

IMPORTANT:Do not use the settings in Table 5-5 unless you are advised to do so by PlateSpin Support.

Table 5-5 List of Common Use Cases for Changing Settings in the Web Configuration Tool

Issue or Use Case

Value Shown in the Config Tool

Discovery/Inventory issues

<add key="UseServiceForCommonInventory" value="true" />
<add key="UseServiceForMigrateInventory" value="false" />
<add key="EarliestWindowsVersionForCommonInventory" value="5.2" />

Target boot issues related to drivers

 <add key="TargetMachineRegistryCleanupLevel" value="None" />

Controller installation issues on sources (mainly due to environmental constraints)

<add key="InstallControllerUsingService" value="true" />
<add key="RunControllerUnderSameCredsAsRemoteAccess" value="false" />

Issues related to database size growth

<add key="PowerConvertDBSizeLimitInBytes" value="4294967296" />
<add key="PlateSpinDBCleanupThresholdPercent" value="80" />
<add key="OFXDBCleanupThresholdInBytes" value="4294967296" />