8.5 Using the PlateSpin Replication Environment AMIs

PlateSpin Migrate provides the following PlateSpin Replication Environment (PRE) AMIs in the Community AMI section of Amazon Web Services Console:

  • PlateSpin Replication Environment - Linux: Applicable for Linux workloads. AWS does not bill you for the OS license on the target workload.

  • PlateSpin Replication Environment - Windows: Applicable for Windows workloads and is billable. AWS manages the Microsoft software licensing compliance on the target workload and bills you for the license.

  • PlateSpin Replication Environment - Windows (BYOL): Applicable for Windows workloads and is not billable. AWS allows you to bring your own licenses (BYOL), which you have already purchased from Microsoft. You are responsible for complying with Microsoft licensing and AWS does not bill you for the license.

For information on how to use the PRE AMIs, review the following:

8.5.1 For Full Replication

PlateSpin Migrate requires an ID of the PRE AMI based on the source workload OS (Windows, Linux) and your desired OS licensing model (billable, non-billable) on the target workload.

8.5.2 For Server Sync

PlateSpin Migrate requires a snapshot of any one of the PRE AMIs. You must create a private instance of any one of the PRE AMIs and then create a snapshot of that AMI.

To create a snapshot using the PRE AMI:

  1. Go to the Amazon Web Services Console and log in to your AWS Console.

  2. Launch an instance of any of the PRE AMIs.

  3. Review and configure the instance launch details as required. Then, click Launch to assign the key pair to your instance and create the instance.

  4. Click the instance ID displayed on the Console to go to the launched instance.

  5. Select the instance, click Actions > Image > Create Image to create an AMI.

  6. Note down the AMI ID displayed on the Console.

  7. Go to the AMI and note down the corresponding Snapshot ID of the root device.

  8. Terminate the instance created in Step 3.

  9. De-register the AMI that you created in Step 5.