2.2 Deploying Web 2.0 Connect

To deploy Web 2.0 Connect:

  1. Install Operations Center.

    For instructions, see the Operations Center Server Installation Guide.

  2. Install the Operations Center Dashboard.

    For instructions, see Dashboard Installation in the Operations Center Dashboard Guide.

  3. Configure and confirm the Dashboard is working.

    For instructions, see Starting the Dashboard for the First Time and Verifying the Installation in the Operations Center Dashboard Guide.

  4. Copy the Web 2.0 Connect Web archive (/OperationsCenter_Dashboard_install_path/web2connect/moweb2cn.war) to the /OperationsCenter_Dashboard_install_path/server/webapps directory.

  5. Restart the Operations Center Dashboard server to deploy the .war file copied in Step 4.

    For instructions, see Stopping the Dashboard and Starting the Dashboard in the Operations Center Dashboard Guide.

  6. Configure the dashboard /OperationsCenter_Dashboard_install_path/server/webapps/moweb2cn/WEB-INF/web.xml file to direct Web 2.0 Connect to the appropriate Operations Center server:

    • ManagedObjectsServerHost: set to the Operations Center server host name.

    • ManagedObjectsServerwebPort: defaults to 8080, or replace with the Operations Center server Web port number.

      This value corresponds to the Web Service Port setting in the Configuration Manager. See Web Server Pane in the Operations Center Server Configuration Guide.

    • ManagedObjectsServerPort: defaults to 1099, or replace with the Operations Center server RMI port number.

      This value corresponds to the Remote Services Port setting in the Configuration Manager. See NOC Server Pane in the Operations Center Server Configuration Guide.

    • ManagedObjectsServerwebProtocol: defaults to http.

  7. Restart the dashboard server.

  8. Navigate to the Web 2.0 Connect home page:


    The Operations Center 2.0 Connect Web page displays:

  9. Continue to Section 2.3, Verifying the Deployment.