3.2 Bookmarking Elements

The root element menu is available at the top of the Explorer pane and allows bookmarks to be created for more custom and easier navigation. It provides a way to access an element, perhaps a child element that is several levels beneath the root, using a single click. Create bookmarks for frequently accessed elements.

3.2.1 Understanding Bookmarking in Operations Center

Table 3-1 summarizes the Bookmark menu options.

Table 3-1 Bookmark Options



Bookmark This Element

Adds the current element currently to the root element selection list.

Bookmark Element

Opens a dialog box displaying all root element hierarchies to select an element to bookmark.

Remove Bookmark

Deletes the bookmark that is currently selected as the root element.

3.2.2 Bookmarking the Current Element

To bookmark the current element:

  1. Select the desired element in the Explorer pane.

  2. Click the root element drop-down list, then select Bookmark This Element.

    A link to the element displays in the root element drop-down list.

3.2.3 Bookmarking an Element from a List

To bookmark any element:

  1. Click the root element drop-down list, then select Bookmark Element.

    A drop-down list displays the hierarchy for each root element.

  2. Select an element at any level, then click OK to add it to the root element selection list.

3.2.4 Accessing a Bookmark

To access a bookmark:

  1. Click the root element drop-down list and then select the bookmark.

3.2.5 Removing a Bookmark

To delete a bookmark:

  1. Click the root element drop-down list and then select Remove Bookmark.