2.6 Data Warehouse and Database

2.6.1 Database Warehouse Repository Log Messages

The following message in the formula.trc log indicates that the Data Warehouse is in backup mode:

INFO Backup Repository - Data Warehouse Backup repository started.
INFO Backup Repository - Backup operation mode changed to: STORE

The following message in the formula.trc log indicates that Operations Center is writing to the Data Warehouse:

INFO Backup Repository - Backup operation mode changed to: TRANSFER
INFO Performance.Engine - moving from backup to warehouse repository

2.6.2 Overriding the Database URL

Many Operations Center components (such as TEC+ and BEM adapters) require a database connection. You can use the Database Type property to override the use of the sourceforge driver or other native driver.

The following sections include examples of how to use the INET driver embedded in the Operations Center product:

Setting Up the INET Driver for a Microsoft* SQL Server

At the command prompt, enter:

com.inet.tds.TdsDriver|jdbc:inetdaemssql_protocol:database_server_ name:database_server_port:database_name|select getDate()


  • database_server_ name is the server where the database is installed

  • database_server_port is the port used to communicate with Operations Center

  • database_name is the database name

For example:

com.inet.tds.TdsDriver|jdbc:inetdae7:mssqldbsvr:1433:formula|select getDate()

Setting Up the INET Driver for Oracle*

At the command prompt, enter:

com.inet.ora.OraDriver|jdbc:inetora:database_server_name:database_server_ port:database_name|select sysdate from dual


  • database_server_ name is the server where the database is installed

  • database_server_port is the port used to communicate with Operations Center

  • database_name is the database name

For example:

com.inet.ora.OraDriver|jdbc:inetora:oracledbsvr:1521:formula|select sysdate from dual

Setting Up the INET Driver for Sybase*

At the command prompt, enter:

com.inet.syb.SybDriver|jdbc:inetsyb:databaseServer:databaseServerPort|select getDate()


  • database_server_ name is the server where the database is installed

  • databaseServerPort is the port used to communicate with Operations Center

For example:

com.inet.syb.SybDriver|jdbc:inetsyb:sybasedbsvr:4100|select getDate()