7.4 Importing and Managing Templates

7.4.1 Importing a Template

To import a template:

  1. In the Explorer pane, click to expand Administration > Graphics > Templates.

  2. Right-click Templates or any folder beneath it, then select Import Template. The Import Template dialog box opens.

  3. Navigate to and select the template file, then click Open.

    The new template displays as a Templates element.

7.4.2 Organizing Templates Using Folders

To organize templates using folders:

  1. In the Explorer pane, click to expand Administration > Graphics > Templates.

  2. Right-click Templates or any folder beneath it, then select Add Folder to open the Create Template Folder dialog box.

  3. In the Explorer pane, click to expand Administration > Graphics > Templates.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • To create a new folder, right-click Templates or any folder beneath it, then select Add Folder. The Create Template Folder dialog box opens.

      Specify a name for the folder, then click OK.

      The new folder displays in the Explorer pane.

    • To delete a folder, right-click the folder, then select Delete Folder. A confirmation dialog box opens.

      Click OK.

7.4.3 Deleting a Template

To delete a template:

  1. In the Explorer pane, click to expand Administration > Graphics > Templates.

    To delete a template for a class an return to using the automatic layout for class elements, open the _class directory.

  2. Right-click the template, then select Delete Template. A confirmation box opens.

  3. Click OK.

    The template disappears from the Explorer pane and any associated drawings return to the default automatic layout.

7.4.4 Renaming a Template or Folder

To rename a template or folder:

  1. In the Explorer pane, click to expand Administration > Graphics > Templates.

  2. Right-click the template or folder, then select Rename. The Rename dialog opens.

  3. Specify the new name, then click OK.

    The new name displays in the Explorer pane.