4.6 Requirements for the Dashboard

The Dashboard is a Web-based applications. It requires access to the Operations Center server. While it can be installed on the same server as Operations Center, it does not need to be on the same host machine.

For more information, see the Operations Center Dashboard Guide.

Table 4-8 lists the deployment notes for the Dashboard:

Table 4-8 Dashboard Requirements

Host Server

For supported platforms, see Section 4.1, Operating Systems.

For databases, see Section 4.3, Databases.

The Dashboard server must have:

  • JDK 1.8.0_45. For more information, see Section 4.1.1, Java Runtime Environment.

  • Environment variable called %JAVA_HOME% in Windows or $JAVA_HOME in Linux/Unix set to point to your JDK directory.

For the Web/Image Server, the Apache Tomcat requirements are:

  • The Dashboard installs with Apache Tomcat v7.0.62 and Image Server


The Dashboard and Operations Center must be at the same Operations Center patch release.

When installed on a different physical server than the Operations Center server, the Dashboard server must resolve to the Operations Center server for communications.

User Access

Users must use a Web browser to access the Dashboard. For supported browsers, see Section 4.2, Client Platforms.

Web browsers must be configured to allow Active X controls. If the correct plug-in is not installed, you are prompted to install it.

To access the Dashboard Layout and ChartBuilder (Internet Explorer only) portlets , the Adobe SVG Viewer 3.0 must be installed on the user’s machine.

Additional Information

The Dashboard is compatible with portlets that are JSR‑286 compliant. Any portlet that uses this standard can be deployed in the Dashboard.

NOTE:NetIQ provides support for Operations Center portlets only. The Dashboard leverages portlets from third-party sources including Liferay v6.2.6203. For support for any third-party portlets, contact the vendor that provided the portlet.

Because the Operations Center Dashboard offers flexibility to design your own dashboards, it might be necessary to upgrade hardware, increase memory allocations, alter page designs (including number of charts or expressions on a chart), or limit the amount of users to achieve optimal performance. Performance varies based on the number of users, complexity of installation, and amount of data in your dashboard pages. We suggest you contact consulting for help in implementing a high performing solution.