C.3 Constrain Tag Library

The Constrain tag library contains functionality specific to the Operations Center application for filtering data using a query. Constraints are similar to the WHERE clause in SQL. A constraint reduces the amount of data returned by the query by applying the filter to the results. This tag library contains many tags used inside a createQuery tag. All the tags belonging to this library are empty; they do not contain body content.

The following sections explain the tags:

C.3.1 category

The category tag provides constraints on time categories, such as Off, Non-Peak, On, Peak, Critical, and so on:

<% String[] catsAsArray = new String[] {"On", "Peak", "Critical"}; %>
    <constrain:category timeCategoryIds="<%= catsAsArray %>"/>

This tag has one mandatory attribute, timeCategoryIds, which provides time category names. The timeCategoryIds tag accepts an array of time category names to include in the calculations. For example, use this tag to query for downtime during Peak times only.

C.3.2 element

The element tag provides a constraint on a given Operations Center element:

<constrain:element name="element_to_constrain" />

It has one mandatory attribute, name, which provides the name of the element to constrain. To obtain performance information about an Operations Center element, it is necessary to specify the element tag within the createQuery tag. The following code snipet constrains a query by instructing it to fetch information about the Organizations > Check Your Bill element that displays in the Explorer pane in the Operations Center console:

      <constain:element name="org=Check+Your+Bill/root=Organizations" />

C.3.3 excludeManual

The excludeManual tag manually excludes created outages when computing results:


This tag has no attribute and is used like a parameter for the createQuery tag.

C.3.4 local

The local tag constrains all SLA calculations to data that are relevant for the current element only, and not its children:


This tag has no attribute and is used like a parameter for the createQuery tag.

C.3.5 offering

The offering tag provides constraints on an SLA (offering):

<constrain:offering name="SLA name" />

This tag has one mandatory attribute, name, which provides the SLA name

C.3.6 objective

The offering tag provides constraints on a given SLA objective:

<constrain:objective name="objective name" />

This tag has one mandatory attribute, name, which provides the SLA objective name.

C.3.7 time

The time tag provides constraints on a time period:

<constrain:time form ="<%= start %>" to="<%= end %>" />

The attributes of this tag are: from, to, and interval.The from and to attributes provide the time frame value to use in obtaining performance information.

C.3.8 timeZone

The timeZone tag provides constraints on a given time zone specified by an ID:

<constrain:timeZone name ="Zone ID" />

This tag has one mandatory attribute, name, which identifies the time zone.