7.6 About Operations Center Embedded Databases

Various Operations Center products use embedded databases, mostly to store configuration data. They are:

7.6.1 The Dashboard

By default, the dashboard is installed with its own Hypersonic SQL database embedded in the software to store configuration and portlet information. However, the dashboard must be configured to use an external database. For more information about configuring the dashboard, see the Operations Center 5.6 Dashboard Guide.

7.6.2 SQL Views

SQL Views uses an Apache Derby database that is embedded and installed with Operations Center to make data available for use with SQL Views. Apache Derby is a relational database implemented entirely in Java. SQL Views does not support the use of any other type of database.

No database definition is required for the SQL Views database. Operations Center appears as an element in the Operations Center console in the hierarchy under Enterprise > Administration > SQL Views.

For more information about SQL Views, see the Operations Center 5.6 SQL Views Guide.