9.1 Script Functions to Set Root Cause

If a script sets the conditionState object state and result, it should also set the root cause information indicating why the condition was set to a specific value as shown in the following declaration.

conditionState.setState() as FINISHED and conditionState.setResult( resultingCondition, reason);

Set the root cause information by using the following method:

conditionState.getRootCause().setContributorsReasonWhere( contributors, reason, where );

Table 9-1 defines the parameters used to set the root cause information.

Table 9-1 Parameters Used to Set Root Cause



ElementImpl[ ] contributors

Specifies the elements that caused the element to have a specific condition. For example, contributors can be all critical children of the element. Set this to null if no other elements contribute.

String reason

Text description of the reason why the element has a specific condition. For example, “I have CRITICAL children elements.”

String where

A text description of where the condition was set. For example, “Script MakeACondition.” Set it to null to automatically fill in by using the algorithm name.

For customized algorithms to support root cause and show impact, set root cause information that indicates why the condition was set to a particular value.