6.10 Starting and Stopping Synthetic Tests and Scenarios

6.10.1 Starting All Synthetic Tests for a Monitor

To start all synthetic tests for a monitor:

  1. In the Explorer pane, expand the Elements root element > Experience Manager Adapter > Administration > Monitor Administration.

  2. To start all tests, right-click a Monitor, then click Activate All Tests. The tests execute at their specified time intervals.

6.10.2 Stopping All Synthetic Tests for a Monitor

To stop all synthetic tests for a monitor:

  1. In the Explorer pane, expand the Elements root element > Experience Manager Adapter > Administration > Monitor Administration.

  2. Right-click a Monitor, then click Deactivate All Tests.

6.10.3 Starting or Stopping a Synthetic Test

To start or stop a specific synthetic test:

  1. In the Explorer pane, expand the Elements root element > Experience Manager Adapter > Administration > Monitor Administration, select a monitor.

  2. To start a test, right-click a test and select Test > > Activate. The active test scenarios run at their specified time intervals.

  3. To run the test immediately, thereby resetting its time interval, right-click a test and select Test > Run Now.

  4. To stop a test, right-click a test, then click Test > > Deactivate.

6.10.4 Starting a Synthetic Test from the Command Line

To start a specific synthetic test immediately from the command line and reset its time interval:

  1. Enter the following command:

    java -cp [location]/bootstrap.jar com.mcode.agent.bootstrap.Bootstrap "[location]/monitor.properties" "SYNTH" "[testname]" "RUN"

6.10.5 Stopping a Synthetic Test from the Command Line

To stop a synthetic test from the command line:

  1. Enter the following command:

    java -cp [location]/bootstrap.jar com.mcode.agent.bootstrap.Bootstrap "[location]/monitor.properties" "SYNTH" "[testname]" "STOP"

6.10.6 Starting or Stopping a Scenario Within a Test

To start or stop a specific scenario within a test:

  1. In the Explorer pane, expand the Elements root element > Experience Manager Adapter > Administration > Monitor Administration, then select a monitor and a test.

  2. To start a scenario, right-click a scenario, then click Scenario > Activate. The selected scenario executes at the specified time interval.

  3. To stop a scenario, right-click a scenario, then click Scenario > > Deactivate. The selected scenario stops.