Novell Sentinel Log Manager 1.2 Release Notes

February 2011

Novell Sentinel Log Manager collects data from a wide variety of devices and applications, including intrusion detection systems, firewalls, operating systems, routers, Web servers, databases, switches, mainframes, and antivirus event sources. Novell Sentinel Log Manager provides high event-rate processing, long-term data retention, regional data aggregation, and simple searching and reporting functionality for a broad range of applications and devices.

1.0 What’s New

1.1 Enhancements to Licenses

The Sentinel Log Manager default license now allows you to use all the features of Sentinel Log Manager, except for the Data Restoration feature, with an unrestricted EPS for up to 60 days. After 60 days the enterprise features are disabled, and the system continues to run with the base license key that enables a limited set of features and limited event rate of 25 EPS. The base license key does not expire.

NOTE:All the functionalities, including Data Restoration and the ability to view all events, can be restored by upgrading the system to an enterprise license of Sentinel Log Manager.

For more information, see Managing License Keys in the Sentinel Log Manager 1.2 Administration Guide.

1.2 Additional Tags

Sentinel Log Manager now includes the following tags:

1.2.1 OverEPSLimit Tag

On systems that are running with the free license, all events that are received while the system averages more than 25 EPS are tagged with the OverEPSLimit tag. The details of these events are not accessible by search or reports until you upgrade the system to an enterprise event store license.

After you upgrade the system to an enterprise event store license, the full details of all events are available in any new searches performed and any new reports that are generated. You can use the new OverEPSLimit tag to specifically search for any such tagged events, by adding rv145:OverEpsLimit to your search criteria.

For more information, see Viewing Search Results in the Sentinel Log Manager 1.2 Administration Guide.

1.2.2 CreatedDuringEval Tag

On systems that are running with the free license, any report results that are generated do not include the event details of any events that were tagged with the OverEPSLimit tag. Sentinel Log Manager tags such report results with the new CreatedDuringEval tag.

After you upgrade the system to an enterprise event store license, you can run the tagged reports again to verify if they include any events that were originally tagged as OverEPSLimit. To specifically search for the tagged report results, enter CreatedDuringEval in the report search criteria.

For more information, see Viewing the Reports in the Sentinel Log Manager 1.2 Administration Guide.

1.3 License Indicators

1.3.1 Licensed EPS Indicator

A new Licensed EPS indicator has been added to the Collection > Overview EPS graph, which indicates the licensed EPS rate. The licensed EPS indicator enables you to determine whether the current EPS rate is exceeding the licensed EPS rate or is close to the licensed EPS rate. For more information, see Viewing Events Per Second Statistics in the Sentinel Log Manager 1.2 Administration Guide.

1.3.2 License Expiry Status Indicators

The Data Restoration feature is not available in the free and trial version of Sentinel Log Manager. Therefore, a message is displayed indicating that you are not licensed to use the feature. In addition to that, after the trial license expires, a message is displayed indicating that the functionality is being limited for the following features:

  • Actions

  • Rules

  • Distributed Search

1.4 SLES 11 SP1 Support

Sentinel Log Manager is now supported on the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 SP1 64-bit platform.

1.5 Limitations to the Legacy Collector Support

Novell is in the process of phasing out support for Legacy Collectors in the Sentinel product line. In the previous versions of Sentinel Log Manager, the system displays a warning if you import a Legacy Collector. Starting with version 1.2, clean installations of Sentinel Log Manager and Collector Manager do not run Legacy Collectors.

NOTE:Legacy Collectors were written using the Legacy Collector Builder application, which is no longer shipped with Sentinel products. Legacy Collectors are replaced by JavaScript Collectors that are written using the Sentinel Plug-In SDK. JavaScript Collectors are available at the Sentinel Plug-ins Web site.

1.6 Security Improvements

Sentinel Log Manager 1.2 includes multiple updates to improve the security of the product:

  • Apache Tomcat has been upgraded to version 6.0.29 to fix security vulnerabilities.

  • The PostgreSQL database has been upgraded to version 8.3.12 to fix security vulnerabilities.

1.7 Plug-Ins Upgrade

Sentinel Log Manager 1.2 includes the updated versions of the following plug-ins:

  • Syslog Integrator 6.1r4

  • Syslog Connector 6r9

  • Database Connector 6r8

  • Collector based reports

    Password Changes 6.1r3 is a new report, which is a combined and updated version of the Self Password Changes and Password Resets reports.

  • McAfee Network Security Platform Collector 6.1r2

  • McAfee policy Orchestrator Collector 6.1r5

  • Microsoft Active Directory and Windows 6.1r5 Collector, which is a combined and updated version of the Active Directory 6.1r4 and Windows 6.1r4 Collectors.

2.0 System Requirements

Sentinel Log Manager 1.2 and later require the SLES 11 SP1 platform. Therefore, you must first ensure that the operating system is upgraded to SLES 11 SP1 before you install Sentinel Log Manager 1.2.

For detailed information on hardware requirements and supported operating systems, browsers, and event sources, see System Requirements in the Sentinel Log Manager 1.2 Installation Guide.

3.0 Installing Novell Sentinel Log Manager

Sentinel Log Manager 1.2 can only be used for clean installations. To install Novell Sentinel Log Manager 1.2, see the Sentinel Log Manager 1.2 Installation Guide.

4.0 Defects Fixed and Enhancements

4.1 Defects Fixed

The following table lists the defect numbers and the solutions provided for these defects in Sentinel Log Manager 1.2:

Bug Number



Using a symbolic link to point to the install directory after it is moved to a different partition now does not result in data management issues.


Security improvements have been made to decrease the vulnerability to session fixation attacks.


Turning on networked storage when there are a number of local closed partitions and decreasing the local storage space now results in moving the partitions to networked storage (with enough space) before the data is deleted from local storage.


When local storage space is running low, the system now attempts to move data to networked storage to free up space before deleting it from local storage.


A sporadic issue in Event Source Management (ESM) where Collector nodes are in the Stop state after a server restart is now fixed. Collector nodes that were in the Running state before the restart now continue to be in the Running state after the restart.


The logon.jsp file now includes the <body> tag, which was otherwise missing and caused Access Manager to fail while injecting credentials through the Access Manager Form Fill policy. Novell Access Manager and Single Sign-on products now work seamlessly while interacting with Sentinel Log Manager


Sentinel Log Manager now automatically closes any idle index loggers every time a clean up task is run at the back end, which reduces the number of open files on SLES.


Performance improvements have been made so that running large distributed reports across multiple instances of Sentinel Log Manager now works as expected and does not cause the target server to run out of memory.


The ReportPluginUpload, TruststoreUploadServlet, and LdapCertFileUploadServlet servlets now do not allow unauthorized users to upload files.


Events can now be searched from multiple restored partitions that are prefixed with the same date and/or retention policy.


Events can now be searched from the restored event data that is in the local storage. The event data does not need to be placed in the configured networked storage directory for it to be searchable.


The LEA connector now works as expected with Sentinel Log Manager.


Clicking alt+left on an event field while performing an All Events search now appends a NOT clause to the search query and displays the expected search results.


You can now modify more than one field of an event source at once. After you click Save to refresh the page, the new values are reflected in the relevant fields.


The Search Target Name in the Event List report now shows the actual search target name as expected.

628824, 581698

Issue with the script not finding the bonded IP address in a NIC bonded setup is now fixed. The script now finds the right IP address to be written to the JNLP files on startup and enables ESM to launch successfully.


The EPS limits of Sentinel Log Manager Actions are now documented. For more information, see Actions EPS Limits in the Sentinel Log Manager I.2 Installation Guide.


The need to restart the services after applying the license key is now not necessary.


Extracting the installer.tar.gz file as the root user now does not change the ownership or permissions of the files. The ownership and permissions that were set before the extract are preserved.


The issue with connection leaks in the database when the transactions are in an idle state is now fixed.


The SentinelLogManager tag now cannot be deleted, which is as expected because it is a system tag and is used to tag the internal events.


While saving a distributed search as a report, the search targets on which the search is performed are now auto-selected by default.


Data transmitted over ActiveMQ is now compressed, which reduces the network bandwidth utilization between a Collector Manager and the server.


The CustomerVar (cv) fields are now HTML encoded to avoid execution of malicious JavaScripts and prevent any XSS attacks. Therefore, when Novell Audit fields are mapped to custom Sentinel fields, clicking the details link in the search results page now works as expected and does not execute any JavaScripts.


The issue with the dbconfig command not changing the appuser password is now fixed. Running the dbconfig command against the entire /etc/opt/novell/sentinel_log_mgr/config directory now changes the appuser password as expected.


While editing the IP address of a search target server, if you change the IP address and click Save, the changes are not saved and an appropriate error message is displayed as expected.


In the Reports tab, if there are no report definitions, all the report options such as Delete, Export, and Tags are now disabled.


When retention policy names are renamed or when new policies are created, the policy names are now displayed correctly in the local and distributed search results.


In the local and distributed search results, the get raw data link now does not appear for users who do not have the View all data permission, which is as expected because these users are restricted from viewing the raw data.


A new command, ssl_certs, is now included in the /opt/novell/sentinel_log_mgr/setup directory. This command enables you to replace the self-signed SSL certificates with the CA signed certificates.

The procedure to replace the default self-signed certificates with CA signed certificates is now documented. For more information, see Using CA Signed Certificates in the Sentinel Log Manager 1.2 Administration Guide.

4.2 Enhancements

The following table lists the enhancements made in the 1.2 version to improve the usability of Sentinel Log Manager:

Bug Number



You can now select the fields you want to export to the CSV file while you are exporting the search results, rather than manually removing the unwanted fields in the CSV after the export.


While configuring the Log to Syslog action, you can now specify the encoding standard that the Syslog Integrator should use.


The Search results page now includes two new links: Save as Rule and Save as Retention Policy. These links enable you to save the specified search query as a Rule and as a Retention Policy.


You can now create a role with the same name as the name watermarked in the Role Name field.


All the parameters that the installer gets from the unattended install input file are now written into the install.log file. This file can be used as a reference for troubleshooting any installation issues.


A Close button is now added in the datetime picker dialog boxes, so you can close the datetime picker dialog box after you select the date and time.

5.0 Known Issues

Bug Number



Issue: Sentinel Log Manager 1.2 cannot perform search and run reports on the data that is restored from Sentinel Log Manager 1.1. This is because Sentinel Log Manager 1.1 uses squashfs version 3.4 and Sentinel Log Manager 1.2 uses squashfs version 4.0, which is not backward compatible and cannot open a squashed file system created with previous versions.

Workaround: None. Contact Novell Technical Support for assistance.


Issue: On Windows 7 with Firefox as the browser, non-admin users cannot login to the ESM user interface. When you launch ESM, it tries to copy the ESMWebStart.jnlp file to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\ directory. The non-admin users do not have sufficient rights to write to this directory.

Workaround: Perform either of the following:

  • Set the %ESEC_DATA_HOME% environment variable to a directory on which the non-admin user has the write permission.

  • Save the ESMWebStart.jnlp file and open the file through Windows Explorer instead of the Firefox browser.


Issue: The Synchronous call Timed out for request exception is logged in the tomcat0.0.log after the installation of Sentinel Log Manager and also each time the services are restarted.

Workaround: None. Although an exception is logged, the system works as expected.


Issue: The send results to link in the search results page does not appear for non-admin users. Instead, a sending link is displayed, which does not perform any action when it is clicked.

Workaround: None.


Issue: Sentinel Log Manager does not install 64-bit JRE on 64-bit Windows system.

Workaround: None. This is by design. The Sentinel Log Manager installer only includes 32-bit JRE and does not include 64-bit JRE.


Issue: The default SSL certificate has been signed by using a weak hash algorithm (MD5) instead of using the SHA1 algorithm.

Workaround: You can get the SSL certificate from any trusted CA, which is signed by using the SHA1 algorithm and replace it with the default SSL certificate. For information on replacing the SSL certificate with a CA signed certificate, see Using CA Signed Certificates in the Sentinel Log Manager Administration Guide.


Issue: When Web server (tomcat) dumps memory, the Web server does not restart on its own and becomes inactive.

Workaround: Restart the Sentinel Log Manager service.


Issue: The remote Collector Manager installation does not proceed if the default installation path contains special characters.

Workaround: Change the default installation path and ensure that the new path you specify does not include special characters.


Issue: Sentinel Log Manager does not display the data retention policies if the data is large in the networked storage. The du command runs for a longer time to find the disk usage and a message is displayed in the Web user interface indicating that refreshing retention policies failed.

Workaround: Increase the timeout period so that Sentinel Log Manager does not timeout before retrieving the disk usage space.

  1. Log in to Sentinel Log Manager as novell user.

  2. Open the /etc/opt/novell/sentinel_log_mgr/config/server.xml file in an editor.

  3. Add the taskTimeoutPeriod property in the DiskStatisticsCache component as follows:

    <obj-component id="DiskStatisticsCache">        <class>esecurity.ccs.comp.diskstatistics.DiskStatisticsCache</class>
    <property name="emaSmoothingFactor">0.2</property>
    <property name="diskStatsCheckInterval">300000</property> 
    <property name="taskTimeoutPeriod">300000</property>
  4. Modify the diskStatsCheckInterval property such that the value is greater than or equal to taskTimeoutPeriod.

  5. Restart Sentinel Log Manager.

For the list of known issues in Sentinel Log Manager 1.1 versions, see Novell Sentinel Log Manager Release Notes.

6.0 Documentation

The updated documentation and release notes are available at the Sentinel Log Manager documentation site .