7.8 Form Fill Issues

Form Fill error messages are logged only if you set the log level to LOG_DEBUG. The entries are logged in the ics_dyn.log file. Search for entries with a correlation tag of AM#504507. For more information, see Form Fill Traces in the Novell Access Manager 3.1 SP3 Policy Guide.

This section contains the following information about form fill issues:

7.8.1 Form Fill Does Not Process Forms with Complicated JavaScript Functions When Data Is Auto-Submitted

Form Fill fails to process forms with complicated JavaScript or VBScript functions when data is auto-submitted and the Statements to Execute on Submit option is selected. To know more about the problem and to understand how to overcome the issue, see Configuring a Form Fill Policy for Forms With Scripts in the Novell Access Manager 3.1 SP3 Policy Guide.

7.8.2 Form Fill Error Messages

You might get the following errors when sending a browser request:

  • DataStore Error

  • The service provider is not running at the moment. Please retry after a few seconds.

These errors indicate that the Access Gateway cannot retrieve the information that is essential to process the browser request, or is unable to save the information provided by the user because the Embedded Service Provider is down. Retry the action after a few seconds. If the error persists, restart the Embedded Service Provider from the Administration Console.

7.8.3 Alert: SSO (Form Fill) Failed Due to Malformed HTML

A failed Form Fill attempt sometimes produces the following error message:

Alert: SSO (Form Fill) Failed Due to Malformed HTML

Possible Cause: If this message appears on the login page which was to be filled by Form Fill, then the HTML page is malformed.

Action: You need to manually fill the form.

Possible Cause: If this message is displayed in any page other than the login page that was to be filled by Form Fill, this message implies that the CGI or the page matching criteria configured for the Access Gateway Form Fill policy matched the other pages and that there was a failed attempt to fill those pages.

Action: Check and modify the CGI and the page matching criteria in the policy in such a way that the policy is applied only to the login page that you want the Access Gateway to fill.

7.8.4 Form Fill Failure Because of Incorrect Policy Configuration

Form fill fails if the policy is not configured correctly. For configuration information, see Creating Form Fill Policies in the Novell Access Manager 3.1 SP3 Policy Guide.

7.8.5 Browser Spinning Issues

Your browser might fail to load a page if inappropriate data is filled in the form because of one of the following reasons:

  • Shared secrets are configured, the user provided incorrect data to the Access Gateway, and there are no appropriate actions configured to handle login failure.

  • A credential profile with LDAP attributes has been configured, and there is a mismatch between the username used to authenticate to the Access Gateway and the username used to authenticate to the accelerated Web server.

When a Form Fill policy succeeds and the authentication to the Web server fails, the Web server redirects the browser to its authentication page again and again, if auto-submit is enabled. In such a situation, if there is no appropriate login failure action configured in the policy, the browser “spins” endlessly.

If this happens, do the following:

  • Kill the browser session. If you are unable to do this, run the following commands to restart the Access Gateway:

    /etc/init.d/novell-vmc stop /etc/init.d/novell-vmc start

  • If the issue is with a credential profile with LDAP attributes, verify which LDAP attributes are required by the Web server, and create the appropriate entries in the Form Fill policy.

  • If the issue is with shared secrets, delete the corresponding values from the secret store. If it is not possible to delete the value, modify the corresponding policy to use a different or a new custom attribute or shared secret attribute. For more information on modifying the policy, see Implementing Form Fill Policies in the Novell Access Manager 3.1 SP3 Policy Guide.