C.1 Elements

The definition of the attributes for each data model extension XML element are as follows:

Root Element

parent: The unique identifier of the “hook point” in the Web service’s data model. These hook points are defined by the Web service data model schema. These unique identifiers represent the xpaths of each data item within the model schema. Possible values for the parent attribute are listed in Table C-1:

Table C-1 Root Element

Personal Profile

  • /pp:PP/pp:Extension
  • /pp:PP/pp:CommonName/pp:Extension
  • /pp:PP/pp:CommonName/pp:AnalyzedName/pp:Extension
  • /pp:PP/pp:LegalIdentity/pp:Extension
  • /pp:PP/pp:LegalIdentity/pp:VAT/pp:Extension
  • /pp:PP/pp:LegalIdentity/pp:AltID/pp:Extension
  • /pp:PP/pp:EmploymentIdentity/pp:Extension
  • /pp:PP/pp:AddressCard/pp:Extension
  • /pp:PP/pp:AddressCard/pp:Address/pp:Extension
  • /pp:PP/pp:MsgContact/pp:Extension
  • /pp:PP/pp:Facade/pp:Extension
  • /pp:PP/pp:Demographics/pp:Extension

Employee Profile

  • /ep:EP/ep:Extension
  • /ep:EP/ep:CorpCommonName/ep:Extension
  • /ep:EP/epCorpLegalIdentity/ep:Extension
  • /ep:EP/ep:CorpLegalIdentity/ep:VAT/ep:Extension
  • /ep:EP/ep:CorpLegalIdentity/ep:AltID/ep:Extension

Open Profile

  • /op:OP/op:Extension
  • /op:OP/op:CustomizableStringsop:Extension

package (required): The Java package name where all classes for this root are implemented. This includes resource description classes and data model instance classes. For example, com.novell.nids.profile.model.extensions.

resourceClass (required): The Java class name of the resource description class that is used to load all resources associated with this root. Because resource description class files are assumed to reside in the root’s package, only the filename is needed. Resource description classes are Java classes that must be created by the person extending the model. You must also extend the com.novell.nidp.resource.NIDPResDesc class.

Group Element

resourceID: The resource ID of the display name of the group. This resource ID is assumed to be a key in the resource bundle supplied by the resource description class file associated with the containing root.

descriptionResourceID: The resource ID of the description of the group. This resource ID is assumed to be a key in the resource bundle supplied by the resource description class file associated with the containing root.

Extension Element

name (required): The name of the data model extension. This name must be the name of the XML element that will be used in the data model.

class (optional): The Java class name of the data model instance class. Because data model instance class files are assumed to reside in the root’s package, only the filename is needed. If this attribute is omitted, then the value of the name attribute must be the instance class filename.

syntax: The syntax of this data model extension. Possible values are:

format: Required if the syntax is String or LocalizedString. The syntax of this data model extension. Possible values are:

upper: The upper bound of a numeric value. Use this attribute only if the format attribute value is Number. The value is a signed integer. If this attribute is omitted, the default value is java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE.

lower (optional): The lower bound of a numeric value. This attribute is only used if the format attribute value is Number. The value is a signed integer. If this attribute is omitted, the default value is java.lang.Integer.MIN_VALUE.

min (required): The cardinality of the XML element represented by this data model extension. It is the minimum number of elements allowed. The value is an unsigned integer. If this attribute is omitted, the default value is 0.

max (required): The cardinality of the XML element represented by this data model extension. It is the maximum number of elements allowed. The value is an unsigned integer. If this attribute is omitted, the default value is 1. The value UNBOUNDED may be used to indicate that there are no bounds.

namingClass: (required if syntax equals Container and max is UNBOUNDED). The class that is used as the naming attribute for the container. The class must represent one of the immediate children of the container. This class is used to name each instance of the container.

ValueSet Element

A ValueSet element contains a set of fixed values that a data model entry can contain. If a data model extension has a ValueSet, the user interface to edit the value of that extension limits the user to these values. The ValueSet element has no attributes.

Value Element

A Value element represents a value in a ValueSet. It contains the actual value to be stored in the data model entry and the display name resource ID associated with the value.

resourceID (required): The resource ID of the display name of the value. This resource ID is assumed to be a key in the resource bundle supplied by the resource description class file associated with the containing root.

value (required): The value stored in the data model entry.

name (required): The name of the data model extension. This name must be the name of the XML element that is used in the data model.